Sorry if I repeat what other have already reported but I didn't read through the whole thread. So here goes for the Ps4 version:


-sound effects dropping out randomly (footsteps, casting effects, ...), music and voice-over still working
-2nd main character's stats, skills and talents always resetted upon entering a friend's server (reloading solves this)
-no trophy support for Player 2!? ( :( )
-reparing an item triggers a message in both your own and your coop buddy's face everytime you repair anything. Why? It's unnecessary!

Wish list:

-being able to zoom out a bit more. Seriously, it's too close to the ground. Finding your way can be really tough even on the furthest zoom factor. Surely that can't be too difficult to patch in?
-being able to move chat boxes or the item list of radial search. The text boxes are too big and block your sight
-screen options (brightness, contrast, ...), where art thou?
-being able to save your connection settings (open to friends, invitation only, ...),right now it needs to be selected each time
-make it so that the characters are always in the same spot when switching between them in the character menu (L2). It's confusing to have them switching position randomly (?)

I'd like to finish with: Great game, easily one of my GotY.