[quote=Adrian Pedersen]I would like to add that the Bow Kit does not function. I have gathered parts 1, 2 and 3, and they will not combine. Also, I seem to be missing the point of the weapon kits. They seem pretty useless, so is there a point to them?

I am also a bit perplexed by the fact that there doesn't seem to be a resolution to the "acting quest." [/quote]

Yeah the acting quest seemed completely worthless and without any conclusion since you still get the head through the old way. I tried using the crowd warmer to support my own show and then perfected the both acts but no long term effect, just some praise, no experience or anything. Talking to the old woman you can still only ask how you can start your theatrical career.

Item stacking is still a mess, sometimes the same item stacks with itself and sometimes it doesn't. Examples fire essences, mushrooms, feathers. Tons of others as well, too many to remember and list. Seems like there are multiple versions of the same item in the game which sometimes even don't function in the same way.
You can use some leather helmets in crafting and others don't work. Same item, same name, different level requirement and stats but one could be used in recipes and the other was invalid combination.

Other things with crafting, standing near a water barrel doesn't register when using recipes menu. Water barrel icon in recipes menu is oil barrel. Stardust+Bonedust doesn't record as a recipe.
You can use travelling cooking station or an oven to smelt steel and ore but they also don't register as a furnace when using recipes list.

Weapon stat inconsistencies, crafting a bow at lvl 7 with 4 crafting resulted in a bow with higher dmg and +speed while making a bow at lvl 9 with 5 crafting gives less dmg and no speed bonus. Daggers seem to also have varying stats regardless of level requirement in a similar fashion.
Probably other weapons too which I don't use in my party.

In combat hostile NPCs sometimes miss their spells and arrows at the ground or trees or whatever instead of the party member they were aiming for. You can cast Bitter Cold spell without seeing the enemy seems to be inconsistent with other spells which all seem to require vision.

Last edited by Ronski; 10/11/15 05:40 PM. Reason: typos