Joined: Apr 2013
One thing I recall being weird and different compared to the beta version of the non-enhanced version is that very early in the game I (my main character and companion; my friend and his companion did not teleport along) was teleported to the Hall of Darkness where I could talk to Moloch. This was before we even set foot inside the Homestead for the first time (or so I recall). I returned back to where I was and it never happened again. That's definitely a bug and probably caused all your issues later on as well. In which specific situation were you teleported to the Hall of Darkness in the first place? Have the void demons already attacked your Homestead? If not, try to go to the northern part of Luculla Forest with the big lava spots and stuff. Zixzax should appear there to inform you about the event. I can't think of any other work-around, sorry.
Last edited by LordCrash; 11/11/15 09:32 PM.
Joined: Nov 2015
I don't quite recall what teleported me to Moloch but I believe it was the Pyramid. The attack on the homestead hasn't happened yet so that might trigger a reset on Zix. Thanks for the tip. Where exactly in Luculla does this trigger?
Last edited by Dominicus; 11/11/15 09:35 PM.
Joined: Sep 2015
- In single player (I never played multiplayer), when you select another char, the camera stays where it is and you have to keep the left mouse clicked or press pos1 to make the camera follow the selected char. I wish the camera would always follow the selected char unless you use the camera manually. I wish you could move the camera further away. Often I have to move the camera with the arrows in combat to attack a distant enemy. Its hard to keep an overview over the entiry ballefield (or see distant enemies before combat starts). - When I use the pickaxe to get silver ore, I do not get a message that I get silver ore (I do get it for iron). When I got all ore, I get a message that there is no more ore. I mean the floating text over the ore vain. I play in german. I was fighting the imaculates in the cave under the house of the white witch. It is Scarlets turn, but the display at the top of the screen says its the turn of my summoned skelleton. When my next char had his turn, the skelleton was still shown as the one who acts now. In fact, the upper display was wrong the entire fight. One enemy did not act at all until all other enemies were dead and I came close to him. He was not CC, he just did not do anything. The battle itself was fine. I could use all abilities and combat ended when all enemies were dead. EDIT: I look at the image again and now I see that both (Scarlet and the skelleton) are highlighted, but the skelletons picture is bigger and has his name shown. But it is Scarlets turn. So now I am even more confused.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
Joined: Nov 2015
I don't know if this is intended. Singleplayer. PC-Version.
It is possible to sell the "Barrier Removal spell". I tried to sell other scrolls before and realized that some won't be displayed in the trading-ui. So I thought I could sell all visible ones without any trouble. But I was wrong...
I invested hours to journey through the lands, because i didn't want to watch a video-guide. But I had to.
Luckily it was sold to a generally visited merchant.
It would be nice if all Quest-Items would get an glowing aura (while looting, or on the ground), got put in a special quest container or bag, wouldn't weigh anything (at least in the container), and couldn't be sold. After finishing the dedicated Quest they should be destroyed or the player could be asked if he wants to.
Keys? Are you serious? Managing keys in the inventory is only fun in the SM-Club, if at all.
Joined: Nov 2015
Honour mode (Ps4), main characters die, 98% of times Game Over even if the other 2 are still standing and ready to resurrect. I thought this was intended (and hated you for this decision) but just now I "survived" a fight in which both main characters died, got resurrected, died again soon after and bam - Game Over. Something's not right here. And by now I hope it isn't meant to be that it's over if both main characters die because quite frankly it doesn't make sense that Bairdotr (or whoever) is weeping over your dead bodies while holding a rolled up resurrection scroll in her trembling hand. A scroll that she cannot put to use. Anger fills her heart once she realizes this useless piece of parchment, flapping in the wind as she lets go of it, dancing around her. Taunting her. And, as the camera fades away, a powerful outcry breaks from her throat and echoes across the battlefield. "By the Seven ... WHYYYYYYyyyy?"
Ah, sorry - got a little carried away. So, ... bug or not?
Joined: Dec 2005
I haven't played long, but this has happened with three lines of banter from my PCs: One of my characters will say something in a generic voice that sounds like it's trapped in a well (quite tinny with a strong, short reverb). For example, I just stole something in Cyceal and my female PC said something to the effect of, "Oh, I didn't know you were so edgy. The girls in the academy will like that," in the voice of a man trapped in a well.
What the hell?
Honestly, the voiceovers have broken immersion for me so many times in my short time playing that I've now muted them entirely, but I'm curious as to what's happening here regardless.
Joined: Nov 2012
If you are wearing zandolor's trunks it is the voice of the trunks you are hearing. Take them off it they will keep their fly shut.
Joined: Dec 2005
Ok, I feel like a moron now. Thanks! Speech is still staying muted though :P
Joined: Oct 2015
EMPTY CHESTS! Potentially a bug.
I think just yesterday I noticed that every chest I open, its empty. I have opened 4 so far and all empty. 4 in a row! Thats very odd for any RPG. Furthermore, I don't recall these chests being empty in the non-enhanced edition. I can confirm this. 35+ hours in game play and 80% of the containers (barrels, crates, vases, remains, bodies, furniture etc.) I open are totally empty. Not even a single potato or carrot. I have +3 luck on my looter ( 1 from starting point, 1 from romantic and 1 from gear) I had like maybe 5 lucky finds in total so far which gave scrolls. And my character keep saying something like "someone has been here before" even if its my first visit in a given location. Something is wrong with this.
Last edited by Liliana M; 12/11/15 07:59 AM.
Joined: Nov 2015
Wooden Log + Axe != Branch
Can't make branch now. Annoying as a crafting mage.
Joined: Nov 2015
That's definitely a bug and probably caused all your issues later on as well. In which specific situation were you teleported to the Hall of Darkness in the first place?
Have the void demons already attacked your Homestead? If not, try to go to the northern part of Luculla Forest with the big lava spots and stuff. Zixzax should appear there to inform you about the event. I can't think of any other work-around, sorry. [/quote]
We continued and did the thing past the invasion. During which Zixzax moved from his spot at the portal. However, when we destroyed the Blood Stone and returned to the Homestead he was once again back in position telling us to leap through.
Last edited by Dominicus; 12/11/15 02:34 PM.
Joined: Jan 2009
At the fight outside the sparkmaster cave, my party approached from the south-eastern direction. We killed all the enemies and left combat. Moving a bit more towards the cave triggered two archers to attack.\
Even though I barely survived the fight with no deaths as it was, and adding in two obnovious archers would have been very troublesome... I have to admit that it's a bug and those archers should probably have been properly grouped with the rest of the encounter.
Joined: Nov 2012
I also approached the sparkmaster cave from the SE. But in my case the archers stayed in place for two turns then joined the fight. Maybe I moved into their aggro radius during the fight.
Joined: Sep 2015
- There was no ambush when I opened the gate to the icy part of Hilberheim. When I come to the crossroads near the closed gate, one of my chars said that there may be enemies nearby. I went to the closed gate. I opened the barrel and a chest. I threw the chest up the hill. On my way up, I blow up the barrels that block the path with a fireball, because there are traps. I threw the chest on the switch on top of the hill. Now the gate stayed open. I went to the snow area to meet with Arhu, but there was no combat on my way. In the original game I was ambushed by mechanical rats. - After fighting some mechanical rats at the entrance of Hilberheim, Scarlets health bar remained colored although she does not suffer under a negative status effect. She was covered with oil during the rat fight. Saving and loading the game solved the problem.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
Joined: Nov 2015
My saves have corrupted. I'm an Xbox One user, and was in Cyseal...
Joined: Nov 2015
Patch on PS4 is 1.02 V. , why not newest like PC ?
Joined: Nov 2015
[quote=roglog]All of the quest npcs are hostile towards 1 of my main characters. Even npcs I run into for the very first time. They attack him on sight. Fleeing from the fight does not fix it. My other character IS able to talk to them and start/complete quests though. Not all npcs are hostile on sight though. I am able to talk to vendor npcs and trade and such. This isn't game breaking for me(yet), but it is a huge annoyance. I can't have the character around any quest npc until the quest is complete and/or the npc leaves. If theres a battle involved with the npc, I have to have my character flee battle before the end. In some instances I can't go in certain areas in towns since it will start a battle and everyone around will join the fight. [/quote]
Same problem here. My main Knight character is hostile with some NPCs he has never met or done anything to. I believe it all started after I killed the undead merchant on the beach before the orc graveyard. My Knight initiated that fight.
Can't remember the names but, the NPCs that have been hostile so far are: the body guard of the merchant on the second floor of the Cyseal Inn, headless Nick(just his body), the three sailors that were sent to fight the robot in the cave, the female prostitute(?) in Silverglenn, the people in the church in Silverglenn(too many to figure out who exactly), the pig in the cave under the white witches house, and the girl at the end of the cave that's near death.
There could've been more, but that's all I remember and that's as far as I've gotten.
Edit: Playing PC Version
Last edited by Killertofu; 13/11/15 05:52 AM.
Joined: Nov 2015
I've had some nasty issues on the PS4 version. Game crashes often, no sound effects, can only get fire wands and earth staves. I think I'm missing a couple. Anyone else having the same issues on the PS4?
Joined: Sep 2015
1. Character AI is far worse than in the original game. The party keeps walking onto harmful surfaces, and straight into traps they've already found. Seriously?
2. "Item Of The Week Pt. 12" Just finished the Derelict Harbour, and found nothing but nail bombs. Pontius' treasure drop was a single blue item, and my character is level 8 with Lucky Charm 4.
3. Casting Winged Feet cancels Walk In Shadows. This is not an attack or an offensive spell.
4. Blind effect still doesn't work. It's getting a bit tedious, since this was one of the first bugs reported.
Joined: Sep 2015
Many skill books cannot be crafted. I tried an empty witchcraft book + charm scroll (not sure how it is called, I play in german) and it did not work. I tried the same book + skelleton summon scroll and it worked.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already