Found a pretty exploitable bug in the Maradino fight - unlike most repeatable boss summons, Maradino's ghosts all give experience. Maradino also prioritizes reviving them over anything else and doesn't seem to have a cooldown, so the end result is an extremely easy source of infinite experience.

Also, I tried charming Maradino once, and at the end of his turn he stood there and cycled through about 100 lines of dialogue over 15 seconds before passing.

[quote=Madscientist]- When fighting imaculates at the entrance of the elemental forge, a tamed wolf became friendly after all other enemies were dead. I killed him too for the exp. I am not sure if this is intended. [/quote]

When you kill the wolfmasters, the wolves they tamed leave combat, since they no longer have any reason to fight. There's a few other places that can happen too, like the zombie troll near Cyseal and his ooze pet.

Last edited by Tosamu; 14/11/15 06:17 AM.