I have not had time to play enough to be able to get it, but it has been tested, and someone who contacted support about this recently confirmed they were able to get it (on Xbox One).

The relevant dialogue options are:

After the sparkmaster -> Fortunately for us, no one did ask you, Madora. No magician is perfect, and this little fiasco doesn't justify a wholesale rejection of all wizarding kind.

After talking to the grieving orc -> What kind of Source Hunter can't show an ounce of compassion to someone so obviously bereft?

After killing Victoria and telling Eglandear -> I won't deny responsibility for Victoria's death, but I hardly see this case as a cause for special celebration. Victoria was no Sourcerer.

Decide to kill the Charmed orc -> It's hardly the union itself to which I'm opposed - merely that, if that love potion wore off, she might turn violent.
Decide to spare the Charmed Orc -> Does the thought of interbreeding sicken you so? For my part, the union itself is hardly a problem, and I'd claim that anyone opposed to the couple on those grounds is small-minded indeed.

Talk to Thelyron about the healing stone -> Given your penchant for spotting Source in Cyseal's every harmless cranny, such an accusation holds little weight.

After talking to a guard next to a zapper -> 'Doomsday device'? 'Source sapphire'? Why don't we keep along this 'poisonous path' and carry on with our 'insidious investigation.' Meanwhile, Madora, keep the crackpot commentary to yourself.

After leaving the homestead for the first time -> If what Zixzax says is true and we really are affecting the tapestry of time, I certainly want to know more!


After killing a snow warden -> Anything dependent on cloud cover for survival is better put out of its misery, I say.

Luculla Forest:

After talking to Lawrence -> I thought the same; his fawning is more likely a symptom of fear than of respect.

After talking to Almina at the Hiberheim portal -> Now that you mention it, it does seem rather foolish to heed the call of a disembodied voice within a known Sourcerer’s grotto...

Dark Forest:

After hearing Grutilda or Leonard talking about Norok -> Be patient; We can't blow our cover over a personal vendetta.