Originally Posted by CK1
What difficulty?

Normal. Its my first time , and since dual mages seems very strong i was thinking about saving it for my second try (on harder difficulty) and doing something less OP first

Originally Posted by CK1
You might not have enough physical damage

Pc melee rogue, NPC archer, NPC knight and a PC support mage to buff them all. That migt be not enought?
Is magic dammage reallt so much better in this game?

Originally Posted by CK1
Also, you want speed at 11, since the breakpoints are even ODD number, not even. I suppose you could get items to get you that one point, but I think they removed all the craftable speed items.

Noted. Is it only speed or all attributes get bonuses on odd numbers? Also by the end of the game can i get 15 in all 3 attributes (Main, con, speed) or is it 15 in main (Str, dex or int) and 11 in speed and con? Because various guides seem to contradict each otcher.

Originally Posted by CK1
High charisma is only useful to get a lot of XP for one encounter as far as I know.

Noted and dissapointed. I love when sociall skills are important in rpg.

Originally Posted by CK1
The advantages of having a "crafting/blacksmith" character on a non-party guy that will not be in your party (leave them at the edge of time) is saving yourself points.

I understand that. But my questions was the other way around. Is there any reason to have these two skills in my active party and not on backup haracters.

Originally Posted by CK1
The way most people have been beating the game is using a lot of environmental effects. Sadly this makes it harder for your melee to get in most of the time. You could keep the battlefield mostly clean, but you'd need "clean" summons (summons that don't leave environmental debris) to help tank since most of the time you will be outnumbered.

I know. Thats why i was thinking about trying a party of 3 non-mages (rogue, ranger, knight) and one support mage/healer. As oposed to offensive dual mages with only one melee and one ranger.

Last edited by Wened; 19/11/15 03:20 PM.