Joined: Feb 2015
In addition to my previous post - I just had Bairdotr and the rest of my idle companions attack me, and lose 100 Attitude (To the point I can no longer recruit them) for swapping out an item in front of her that she had crafted. (Hall of Heroes)
This needs to be fixed ASAP mood is inteded. You could buff up mood by anyone when you trade and give items for free.
Joined: Nov 2015
I've just came across a funny bug:
1. I went to the cave north of Hunter's Edge 2. I encountered mushrooms which are immune to elemental damage. 3. I casted Soulsap (Witchcraft) on one of the mushrooms. 4. I hit that mushroom with fire damage (fire surface). 5. The game crashed while trying to handle neverending loop of fire damage and poison-healing.
It's probably caused by mushrooms' ability to create a poisonous cloud, which heals it, and then immediately catches on fire dealing further damage. The whole process is caused by Soulsap which lowers elemental resistances of the target.
Joined: Nov 2015
The damage for crafted crossbows seems to be broken for Crafting 5, and possibly for all crafting levels unless the progression is supposed to be this flat (why give them different names?)
Here's the result for all crafting levels that let you make a crossbow, all at Level 13: CR2: 104-184 piercing, no bonus "Homemade Crossbow" CR3: 104-184 piercing, no bonus "Hand-crafted Crossbow" CR4: 104-184 piercing, no bonus "Custom Made Crossbow" CR5: 39-119 piercing + bonus stat "Superior Arbalest"
Here for Bows: CR1: 72-143 piercing, no bonus "Homemade Shortbow" CR2: 72-143 piercing, no bonus "Hand-crafted Bow" CR3: 72-143 piercing, no bonus "Custom-made Bow" CR4: 72-143 piercing, no bonus "Polished Longbow" CR5: 93-165 piercing + bonus stat "Superior Longbow"
I'm playing on honour mode so I don't have a save of another level to compare with. Can anyone test and confirm this?
Joined: Nov 2015
Hi all is there some way to cancel a skill? I tried ESC and, right click but i doesn't work.
Joined: May 2013
any news about a new big patch?
Joined: Jan 2015
I have a few critical remarks: Profile name in the game menu unreadable! It must somehow identify. 2. Text is not centered relative to each other. This here I am picky))
Joined: Oct 2015
De game keeps saying main1 is identifying stuff, although main2 is the loremaster and identifying.
Joined: Sep 2015
Not bugs, but rather peeves that makes the game seem a bit too linear:
Skill books: Why do merchants only have a set type of skill books in each area? They are linked to player level and price, so why can't players buy for instance Cloak And Dagger or Barrage in Cyseal? That's a bit like a book shop only selling school books for first graders. "You want a thriller? Well, in this shop we only sell Tom Clancy novels."
Items: Same thing as above. You can't use a high-level item effectively, because they're linked to level. Very good idea. So why do you still only find rubbish at the beginning of the game, despite maybe having invested a lot of skill points in Luck? The whole loot system seems to be broken. Also, I'm on my third playthrough of the EE, and the rings, helmets and medallions I find are uniformly crap. If I find any. Max two minor enchantments, and they often make no sense: I found a plate helmet that gave +1 Bow and +1 Shield Specialist. Who's gonna wear that? A Blue arbalest with a whopping 189 base damage, 11-18 Earth damage, and a point in Single Handed. With a level 15 to use. WTF? Meanwhile you find a Legendary bow with 60 max damage and no other enchantments. Why do you find Epic or Legendary items that has the same minor stats as blue/Uncommon ones? What's the point? I have also previously mentioned the cloning issue, where you find similar items in a small area. By the time I finished level 6 in my current playthrough, I was selling off Green sarongs giving +2 Initiative by the truckload, and had close to 50 knockdown arrows. Item generation seems to be completely out of whack.
Adventure Kits: You can only complete the Adventure Kit weapons late in the game, by which time they're pretty much useless compared to what you've already got. Also, there are no in-game clues to where you find the various parts, which could have been nice mini-quests. The whole thing seems redundant and frustrating to me.
Crafting: I think many people here have pointed out that the crafting skill seems to be broken. Even a level 5 craftsman can't create top-notch items with multiple enchantements, like different types of damage. Shouldn't a level 5 crafter be able to give a better output than a level 3? Like additional elemental damage? Debuff potions are pointless, and there only seems to be one of items like Joshua's Spice or Scope in the entire game. Shouldn't we be able to craft those on a high level? Many recipies don't work like they used to, and certain kinds of items can't be enchanted anymore, at all.
Skills: Is level 5 really the maximum skill level? Does this mean that if I want to invest all skill points to make a master Pyromancer, I can't do so? Why impose such a limit on skills? It makes no sense from a roleplaying perspective, as long as you only get a certain amount of skill points throughout the game. You can buff weapon skills or stuff like Telekinesis with items, but so far I haven't found a single item that buffs for instance Scoundrel. That's just weird.
All in all it seems to me that the Enhanced Edition has taken quite a few steps towards being more linear, and away from the freedom that was the selling point of the original. A lot of things have been improved, but imposing nonsensical limitations on character development and basic functions, is a bit of a downer. It may make sense from a balancing perspective, but I would never tell my P&P players that they can't use their Experience Points to create the character they want. If you want to play a blind mage with low movement, but genious level intelligence, then please do so. When you tell me that my mage can't have more that two Master level spells despite putting all points into that skill, that severly limits my experience of the game.
Just my thoughts. This is still my fave CRPG, and I've played through the original over 10 times. I just expected more, not less, of an Enhanced Edition.
Last edited by Adrian Pedersen; 25/11/15 02:09 PM.
Joined: Nov 2015
When connecting to a friend who is located in Cyseal, the game crashes.
The game loads normally if we try to load in the End of Time.
This didn't happen at the beginning of the game, it has only started happening from level 4 onwards. The issue never occurred in the original divinity original sin, only in enhanced.
Changing zone happens normally. It's only after reloading that this issue happens and only in Cyseal.
Computer has been restarted and the issue persists.
Thank you.
Last edited by SupremeDalek; 26/11/15 08:46 PM.
Joined: Nov 2015
Hello! First off, I want to thank everyone at Larian for Divinity:OS and for releasing the EE to owners of the original for free. I have a few hundred hours in Divinity:OS and will surely be investing the same into the EE. Thank you.
That said, I do have a small list of issues. A few of these are bugs that existed in the normal version, so it's a little disappointing to see they haven't been fixed for the EE. There are also a few issues (albeit more personal preferences) which I realize may be too late to implement into EE, but hopefully they can be taken into consideration for Divinity:OS 2.
1) BUG - In the Homestead player quarters, unlocked following your third Star Stone, the chests display "His Chest" & "Her Chest" despite what the player preference for the main characters actually is. Attempting to pick the chests up and physically move them causes the game to crash. This has been an issue for as long as I remember, even from the original version and I know many have mentioned it before. I'm not sure why it hasn't been fixed.
2) BUG - You can still learn how to make homemade shields despite barrel lids having long been removed from the game.
3) BUG - On the Tactician difficulty, near the "Twins-By-Fire-Joined" boss, I battled skeletal summoner whom conjured up an arcane elemental. Before I was even able to reasonably react, this summon proceeded to teleport my two main characters in the same turn, back-to-back, into nearby lava, immediately ending the game. While it does feel a little cheap to be dropped into lava and immediately die, I'm not really complaining because it's not a broken system. I feel like it's a valid move and so isn't entirely unreasonable. However, it shouldn't be able to teleport twice in the same turn. It should adhere to the same cooldown (or at least some sort of cooldown) as a player with the teleport ability and for this reason I'm listing it as a bug.
Generally speaking, most of my deaths have resulted from some sort of unexpected instantaneous situation and for this reason, I know better than to even try Honor Mode because it's obviously out of my league and not meant for me, but things like this make me wonder if it's even possible at times. Clearly it must be, as the Steam achievements reflect as much. Truly, I salute such players. They obviously have incredible skill, patience, RNG and some hidden knowledge I do not possess.
4) BUG - While in combat, usually with several characters on the screen at once, enemy turns occasionally take a long time to complete. I'm not sure what causes this. My hardware far exceeds the recommended system requirements and it's not consistent. For example, during one battle with "Diederik, The Baron of Bones" everything was fine, and the next, the issue arises despite no discernible difference between the battles. I'm inclined to think there is some sort of memory leak as quitting the game and restarting (usually) fixes the issue. On a few occasions this has also resulted in a desktop crash (instant crash to the desktop with no error).
5) BUG - Mass production of crafted items (such as swords, axes or silver arrows) via the recipes section does not seem to work. At least, not consistently.
6) REQUEST - While probably too late for EE, the inventory system needs some major work. Maybe I have bad OCD compared to most people but I swear one-fourth of my playtime (maybe more!) is spent dealing with inventory management. Being able to label backpacks or adding them as tabs, sort alphabetically, automatically sort items in tabs instead of selecting "Sort by Type" in each tab (inventory, crafting, etc.) and the ability to sort in backpacks at all would be nice.
At the very least, I'd like to see the key ring come back. I know they're useless once you've used them but I like carrying them around anyway for some reason. I'm not sure why the key ring was removed in the first place. It doesn't seem to affect anything.
7) REQUEST - The overall balancing needs a lot of work, at least with abilities. Point for point, Leadership is arguably the most potent ability but causes the "leader" to be relatively weak unless you make an additional leader. Many stats, such as Telekinesis, are borderline useless. The truth is, I love Telekinesis because it makes looting a much simpler and quicker process, but spending points on it is impossible to justify competing against other options.
Worse yet, many abilities are just point sinks until they're maxed (or nearly maxed) out and it's impossible to appropriately plan your character because the loot is RNG based. To be fair, many of my complaints with the system would be absolved with, most of all, an option to respec much earlier and to a lesser extent, ability costs being done at a point for point ratio, rather than the obtuse +1, +2, +3, system it has now.
Pickpocket has dramatically reduced value later and is further crippled early on by the limitation of only being able to pick someone's pockets once. Lockpicking is entirely useless outside of being a quality of life perk and one basement hatch (at least as far as I know) because there is always either a key, the item can be destroyed either on the spot or carried to lava or you can exploit quick save and quick load for "Magical Unlock Scolls" that unlock anything in the game instantly (even things you can't unlock with five points in lockpicking oddly).
I also don't understand the value in a piece of gear granting a skill is. Skills learned in this fashion likely won't work well due to not meeting the ability requirements. Furthermore, you can readily buy or make a scroll that performs the same function, while also working perfectly and costing half of the action points to use.
My point is, a point I know has been echoed by many people, many times before, is that the entire system has many pitfalls and half of the available options end up becoming useless due to gear, thus only serve as traps. Effectively, they're wasted points that cripple character builds and often won't be felt until the player has already fallen into them.
8) REQUEST - Please take a look at the targeting and pathing systems. They seem to have a mind of their own sometimes. ; )
Anyway, hopefully some of this can be fixed for EE or at least be taken into consideration for Divinity: OS 2. Thank you for your time.
Joined: Nov 2015
Not really a bug but when you teleport to Cecillias bathroom to get the second pyramid After the Rock/paper/scissor game its written: Little mixup indeed! I dont know what you and that little street cat are planning, but......
But the voice actor says: I dont know what you and that horrible little imp are planning, but .......
not sure if it was mentioned
Joined: Oct 2015
PC Edition
Co-op LAN play, when I reload a save file while in co-op mode, my partner often has bugs in two areas. The following happen pretty much every session we play, often more than once: sometimes her weapon will not be visible--it will appear as if it is gone from her slot and her inventory, but when I reassign the character to myself, it reappears (then disappears sometimes when I give the character back to her); second, sometimes her characters' health levels will appear to be a little low, but they really aren't and cannot be healed up (and appear at full health on my screen).
If she leaves the game and restarts, then comes back in, it may fix the issue. Sometimes, it takes a few tries. Sometimes, I can fix it by reassigning her characters to myself, then back again (but usually not). After some effort, we have always been able to address these problems after a while, but it's irritating.
Did you really mean to nerf the sneaking talent so that it no longer reduces action points at all? If so, it's pretty useless. The talent that buffs attacks made while in stealth is almost totally useless, and no one will use it. Who would spend 5 actions points for a one-use 50% buff to a single attack?
I can see nerfing the sneaking talent a little from the previous approach, but this is not the answer. Or is it "just" a bug?
Last edited by godotnut; 28/11/15 06:37 AM. Reason: clarity
Joined: Nov 2015
When dual wielding two melee weapons I don't get the bonus damage from the Single-handed ability, only the Dual Wield ability. I'm wondering if there is a balancing reason for this or if it is just an oversight, because a character dual wielding two wands gets the bonus damage from the Wand ability, as well as the benefits from the Dual Wield ability. Naturally the same goes for a character with a shield, they get benefits from both Single-handed and Shield Specialist.
Joined: Oct 2015
When I was fighting Braccus Rex, The-Ghoul-That-Guards-The-Lighthouse was stuck in the ceiling. Never saw him fighting...
Joined: Oct 2015
Avatar of frost skillbook cannot be made with a blank skillbook water, but with a blank skillbook fire... or is this intentional? 
Joined: Oct 2015
more about crafting:
-minor constitution + bonedust = large strenght potion (cr5) -major constition + bonedust = nothing?
-stardust + moondust = pixiedust (recipe shown after first time) -stardust + bonedust = pixiedust (recipe not shown after first time)
-recipe for branch is not shown (only for wood chips)
-fly agaric mushroom has no description under 'special' (any another too, forgot...)
Joined: May 2013
any news about the next patch?
Joined: Oct 2015
In the fight in Hiberheim with Fabrizio and party I charmed a wolf. After killing the wolf master both wolfs are friendly, but the charmed one is a little ambivalent about it... After the charm went away he turns on as a red circled enemy, but he doesn't attack; the fight doesn't stop though.
Joined: Nov 2015
EVERYTIME i try to save the game crashes with ce-34878-0 error. i'm talking about ps4 version
i can't play anymore...
Joined: Oct 2015
Hi. I try to reset all my ability, talents, etc points with the help of Moloch, but all my skills disapeared once I do so.
I try to put my points back, but I cannot even select find the skills again...
Is that a bug or I'm doing something wrong? (I've already restarted the game and reloaded in case you would ask).
Thanks This is how respeccing works in the game; in order to relearn skills you must use a skill book, just like if you intentionally forget a skill in order to free up a slot. So you either need to repurchase books or hang on to ones you pick up throughout the game.