After reaching the tenebrium mine in a CO-OP game, I've been unable to rejoin the my friend's game. After copying the save game to my computer and loading, my friend was likewise unable to join me.
Please email, with a description of the problem (or link to your post) and the file (or a Dropbox or Google drive link, etc) generated by the
D:OS EE Analysis Tool (for Windows).
Extract the zip file somewhere and run the AnalysisTool.exe. When that loads, browse to the install folder (if it is not automatically detected), optionally run the tests first, and then generate a report (it will be saved in the same location as the Analysis Tool).
The report will contain system and game information, as well as your saved games. To reduce the file size, you can delete most of the saves from the zip. Leave the save in the mines that you can not join, as well as the most recent save before that point, where you can (if available).
Mac, El Capitan (10.11.2), Steam version
Getting the following msg in the log:
I'll forward that to the person who usually handles Mac support.
Im having a issue on ps4 And need Desperate help when i play during gameplay at random times my sound will stutter for like a second then its fine
Did you try changing the sound quality, if that's an option in the console audio options? Does it make a difference if you lower the graphics settings?
I'm not sure what else to suggest that you didn't already try. There is a patch which should be released for consoles early in the new year, but there is no ETA yet, and I don't know if there are any fixes or changes included which would help.