- install CE (remember my warnings) from the second link
- go to the forum page linked above, you will see the download link up top. Do not click it, instead /r click and select 'save as..'. When your explorer window opens up, delete the .xml extension and instead type .ct
- once downloaded, do nothing
- run D:OS EE, load save of your choice, once ingame, alt tab to windows. Yes, i know, just force it to
- now double click your newly downloaded script table (that's your .ct file)
- new UI popped up. Click up and to the left, new process. Scroll down, select EoCApp.exe (that's the DOS EE) and press open. You will be asked if you wish to keep the current table, select 'yes'. Do nothing more here
- pop back to the game, don't do anything more, and then re-force an alt tabbing. This is necessary for the CE to read the game's values
- no back to the CE's UI, look at the section below scripts, highlight the single entry there, and press enter. In the new pop up, simply select 'OK'
- pop back to the game (i know, but this is the way), open your inventory page, do nothing else, force alt-tabbing for one last time
- back to the CE, left click once said highlighted script entry you used before. You should now see a tree structure similar to that your explorer uses. Left click once to select player, again to select a subcategory of your choice
- any entry you wish to edit, all you have to do is press enter while it is highlighted. NOT /double clicking, enter. You will see its value field becoming editable
- when done, don't close anything. Pop back in game. You will see no visible changes despite the above. That's ok; Once you exit and reload, the game's engine will correctly read your 'new' values. So for now just save your session. (this is important, skipping a save means nothing's changed). Exit D:OS entirely
- Now close the CE, you're done. If you also wish to uninstall it, you can. Assuming you saved your game as stated above