Joined: Mar 2003
Teller of Secrets has no Attribute/Skill books. Even one. Even for first time. Even after level up. No books at all :-/ Please email supportdos@larian.com, with a description of the problem and the report.zip file (or a Dropbox or Google drive link, etc) generated by the D:OS EE Analysis Tool (for Windows). Extract the zip file somewhere and run AnalysisTool.exe. When that loads, browse to the install folder (if it is not automatically detected), optionally run the tests first, and then generate a report (it will be saved in the same location as the Analysis Tool). The report will contain system and game information, as well as your saved games. To reduce the file size, you can delete most of the saves from the zip; just leave one before activating / entering the Hall of Secrets for the first time, if available.
Joined: Jan 2016
I play D:OS on PS4. I got 1.04 update yesterday. Today, when I try to do The Twin Dungeons Quest, I cannot process the quest. Because both Square Pendant or Round Pendant do not light up when I put it on the Pedestal!!
I am pretty sure that I follow the right step to do this quest. However the Pendant never light up!
Please help me solve this poblem! Thank you.
Joined: Jan 2016
Just registred to request assistance for the exact same issue as the user above. I'm also on PS4 and currently stuck waiting for the light barrier to be disabled after correctly placing both pendents in their respective pedestals. Please help as I prefer not to proceed to prevent leveling up and rendering this quest's loot useless. Thank you.
Joined: Mar 2003
So you placed both pendants on the pedestals, by interacting with them? They register properly and light up on PC, so there must be an issue specific to PS4.
I'll create a bug report for this. It may help to have a save at this point, and maybe one before doing the twin dungeons, if available. You would need to be transfer save(s) to a USB flash drive first. In the Saved Data in System Storage section of the Settings menu, click Copy to USB Storage Device, select the relevant save(s) and Copy. From there you can optionally zip the saves first, then copy to email (supportdos@larian.com) or upload to Dropbox or Google drive, etc, and provide a link.
Joined: Jan 2016
Hello, i ran into a small issue today, i was fighting some goblins on the way to the mines in luculla forest. A Goblin Ranger used a Charming Arrow on Wolgraff but missed him and instead hit Nick and Nick failed to resist the Charming Arrow. And here's the problem: The game got locked up on Nick's turn, as the charmed Nick did not proceed his turn. I waited for half an hour for Nick to do something but he did nothing, really frustrating. The only way out was to reload. Here's a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/v7cmd1Y.jpg
Joined: Mar 2003
Do you have a save at that point, or just before? Please email supportdos@larian.com, with a description of the problem and the report.zip file (or a Dropbox or Google drive link, etc) generated by the D:OS EE Analysis Tool (for Windows). Extract the zip file somewhere and run AnalysisTool.exe. When that loads, browse to the install folder (if it is not automatically detected), optionally run the tests first, and then generate a report (it will be saved in the same location as the Analysis Tool). The report will contain system and game information, as well as your saved games. To reduce the file size, you can delete most of the saves from the zip, just leaving one or two before/during that fight and one with Nick stuck (if you tried saving and reloading to see if that would help, etc).
Joined: Jan 2016
Yes , i do have both. I tried to save in the fightt and reload but to no success and a save 10 minutes earlier, i will upload both and send them to the support. This was first time Nick got charmed and i hope the last time  .
Joined: Nov 2015
There are mistakes in skill descriptions: the same parameters in one description have different values. See screenshots as example: Probably there may be other skills with the similar issue.
Joined: Jan 2016
So there's a few things wrong in my current save, first of all Zixzax seems to be bugged, he doesn't open nor introduce any new portals at homestead even after finding more star stones and popping some bloodstones and thus the gate at the Source Temple also refuses to open. I've counted now 12 inert stones, stacked in the middle of the first town, in addition I have the 5 bloodstones in my inventory (reloaded after trying to pop them to avail), yet the imp refuses to do anything. He was stuck saying "Well, aren't you going to jump through?" with the skillpoint-reset-demon, we went through the portal many times but he still kept repeating that same line... Until we *tried* to kill him. This let us speak to him and open his dialoque options again but he doesn't leave that one spot anymore, seemingly doesn't open new conversation options nor anything else. I guess this is due to us accidentally glitching into the same demon room earlier (player sits/sleeps while teleporting to homestead) which triggered a flag with him causing him to be stuck and not able to open new portals anymore, or something. This is literally gamebreaking and blocks advancement.
The second one is the same one someone here already mentioned, the secrets vendor not selling the abilitypoint books after purchasing them only once. No resets on level-up, time-based nor game reset.
Then there's the "same stuff not stacking for some reason", i.e. I have two small stacks of arrow shafts that just won't combine. Nothing big but just throwing that out there.
I'll post the save and analysis results if requested but if you've got some insight on a similar issue in the past that might help, I'd like to hear of a possible workaround or fix to get Zixzax to open up the portals he's supposed to so we can advance as per usual.
Joined: Jan 2016
I play D:OS on PS4. I got 1.04 update yesterday. Today, when I try to do The Twin Dungeons Quest, I cannot process the quest. Because both Square Pendant or Round Pendant do not light up when I put it on the Pedestal!!
I am pretty sure that I follow the right step to do this quest. However the Pendant never light up!
Please help me solve this poblem! Thank you. I have the exact same issue - been trying to google it for over an hour, finally gave up and made an accounthere to post about it. Glad to see others have the issue. Im on ps4 too - don't know how to do any of that exporting a save stuff though... Also, ive run into another bug... Actually now that im back to playing after a day i cant seem to replicate the issue and it seems tk have fixed itself. Its worth noting though i guess : my characters equipment bags were messed up. When i would go to equip a new item the bag would open up to the max boxes allowed, and all the icons wouldnt match their boxes or names listed... Essentially it was a random jumble of invisible items. Im guessing powering the game on off corrected that(only happened after 1.4 patch), was hoping it would correct the pedestal and pendant issue but to no avail. Fingers crossed no more bugs and the quest bug can be sorted out asap! Thanks for all hard work
Joined: Mar 2003
Hort; The lower number of turns are for specific effects of those spells.
Masti; Yes, the problem with Zixzax not opening the portal was due to the glitch where you entered early. That cleared a flag which prevented a cutscene conversation from happening, which in turn is preventing the portal from being completely opened. The next update should fix this problem. I don't know of any workarounds.
The Teller of Secrets is not suppose to restock the compendium books.
Heckmanimation; I have one pre-patch save a programmer can check this out with, and QA may have some.
Joined: Jan 2016
Masti; The next update should fix this problem.
Will this fix the existing issue and suddenly have the imp give you all the new portals one after another or just prevent it from happening on a new save? Just concerned about whether or not we'll have to start anew when the patch kicks in. While we're here, any ETA on the next patch?
Joined: Mar 2003
It should be fixed for existing saves, and prevented in new ones.
There is no ETA on the next patch. There are still a couple things that need to be fixed or changed.
Joined: Jan 2016
Playing divinity OS EE on PS4 - Hi, we are having a major issue while trying to get the Royal guard Amulet in Hiberheim. We reached the chest behind the lava. We can see the hexagonal Royal guard amulet with all of its statistics but as soon as we pick it it is morphed into a regular and quite lame amulet. We tried to reload the game several times, tried to play with switches and plates in every way possible for hours but the bug remain.
If not fixed we are losing the reward within the room this amulet opens... Please help!
We can provide a video capture with the PS4 share feature if needed.
Joined: Mar 2003
If you wouldn't mind, a save would be more useful. It would need to be transferred to a USB flash drive first, to get it to a computer. In the Saved Data in System Storage section of the Settings menu, click Copy to USB Storage Device, select the relevant save(s) and Copy. From there you can optionally zip the saves first, then copy to email or upload to Dropbox or Google drive, etc, and provide a link (supportdos@larian.com).
Joined: Nov 2015
Hort; The lower number of turns are for specific effects of those spells.
That does not fit. Bless boosts the chance to hit for 5 rounds (I checked it in-game).
Joined: Jan 2016
I've experienced plenty of new issues as of the 1.04 Update.
-When viewing items inside of backpacks, the background behind it (inventory) seems to magnify and replace what I'm looking at. [Cursor over grenade replaces 1/2 of the grenade icon with 1/2 of an apple from the inventory behind it]
- When viewing backpack items on the toolbar, item numbers flash from black to white.
-Equipping Items on a character like armour screws up the armour inventory to where your normal inventory blends into the character equipment inventory. [Selecting which boots to replace gives me a backpack, apple, and an arrow while my boots are invisible].
-Items just don't appear in your inventory at all! Bought 12 round grenades and checked "most recent" in my inventory and nothing is there. Not even a blankspace even with all my characters. Items just aren't appearing and I can't even tell which ones.
- Lucky Charm isn't triggering. (I got it to 8 at level 5 and I've only seen it trigger twice, I'm level 12 now.)
All of the bugs I've seen are almost all loot/inventory related. You guys fixed ALOT of issues and I appreciate it a ton, but I can't even play anymore due to not being able to equip armors on my characters. I reinstalled the patch and I'm still experiencing these on PS4
Last edited by TexhnolyzedLain; 24/01/16 05:21 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
PiJaei; In that case, it is an issue.
TexhnolyzedLain; Try powering down your PS4, waiting 30 seconds and turning it on again.
For the Equipment window issue, is this for any character? There is a known issue like this when first asking a companion to re-join the party, which is fixed if you save and reload (or save and reload in the homestead, before asking them to rejoin). Equipping from the inventory should work, though isn't filtered and doesn't give access to other characters' inventories.
For the grenades, check the containers in the character's inventory (backpacks, etc, and there is a pouch container with the the same icon as a pouch of moondust or bonedust). It is likely the missing items added to their inventory are being stacked in a container (possibly a crate picked up without looting first, etc).
Joined: Jan 2016
It seems the Grumio's Trick Bag bug was fixed for me and I hadn't realized it. The grenade shells were stacking in the bag. The bags and containers are still flipping out for me on both the toolbar and the inventory. EDIT : I'll post a screenshot to see if I can help you guys identify the problem. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CZgmnQ_UsAIPW-P.jpg:large Here's a video of selecting the items in the bag aswell. https://twitter.com/TexhnolyzedLain/status/691344985392701445(Couldn't figure out how to post just like the video. Sorry!)
Last edited by TexhnolyzedLain; 24/01/16 07:48 PM.
Joined: Jan 2016
When going to fighting Braccus Rex there should have been 3 other bosses, but Diederik, the Baron of Bones was stuck in outside of map near the lighthouse. I tried to take picture of it, but apparently in big picture mode you can't take print screen. Diederik had his turns in which he did nothing and I was able to target him. The good thing was that I didn't need to kill him to end combat.