Hey Norbyte
Thank you so much for your time and developing your wonderful tool! I'm loving it! I have one question though. Normals import/export are not working yet right? Initially I thought it was the blender(s) plugins (I tested with 2.63, 2.72 and 2.74) but then I did a simple test, export the GR2 and import the DAE after without even going to blender, and the normals still get messed up. Not like those previous issues like others pointed out, I'm talking about the visible difference in lighting direction on UV island edges, which produce visible seams
In any case, thanks and kudos! =)
EDIT: I'm aware that flipping/inverting the green channel fixes the issue, but will need to replace a whole bunch of textures in the proccess, when it would be preferable to just fix the mesh instead
Last edited by Vector; 20/01/16 03:55 PM.