I have some ideas for chars I want as main char or as party member

Flora Bloom
She is an elf who discovered as child that she has strong source powers. She was not very beautiful for an elf (though she had many human lovers and even a dwarf) so she tried to improve herself with source magic. It went wrong and she became partly a plant. With her brown skin and green hair,eyes and teeth she looks very strange, but she gained the ability to talk to plants and so she became a famous gardener. For over 200 years she worked in the royal garden of the elf king. They had many problems with rabbits there and so she learned to hate them (and most other animal who eat plants) and she became also a good hunter. She wears cloth and shoes made of cow leather (another animal that eats plants) and gloves, a scarf and hat made of rabbit. This makes her look even stranger because she wears rabbit pelt even in the hottest summer. When the divine order started to hunt sourcerers, she had to escape.

abilities: good in alchemy, earth and water magic and combat with bows. She dislikes fire and most animals.

special ability: She can summon her hunting dog. The dog is not strong, but fast and tough. His special attack is, that he will bite the enemy and not release it until it is dead. The victim must do a saving throw every turn to get rid of the dog. Otherwise the dog will keep on biting. While the dog bites, the victim takes some damage and is slowed. The dog cannot do anything else while biting.

With water and earth magic, a bow and a pet that makes enemies slower she is perfect in kiting enemies from the distance.



Igor is very strong, but he has a very low intelligence. He lives on a farm with his parents. He is kind and gentle and he likes animals and children. One day an evil sourcerer came along and he realized that Igor has a strong source potential. He paid Igors parent to take Igor with him, he told them he would educate Igor. In his lair, he performed experiments on Igor to release his source power. The experiment was successful, well kind of. Igor gained great strengh, but he fell into a rage and destroyed everything around him, including his master. Igor did not realize that his master was evil. He felt ashamed for killing his master and he did not dare to return to his parents, so he remained in the lair. But he had to escape when the divine order came.

abilities: The sourcerer trained Igor to be an assassin. He is very strong and dual wields strengh based weapons. He has also some skills in sneaking and lockpicking. Because of his low intelligence he is not good with magic.

special ability "Source Rage": Once per battle Igor gaines great strengh and performs special attacks for 3 turns. In his rage he cannot be controlled and he will attack the closest target(s) with brute force, no matter if it is friend, foe or neutral. The rage is so exhausting that he will get penalties for the next 3 rounds after the rage ends.

Note: playing a strong idiot in arcanum was super funny.

groovy Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist groovy

World leading expert of artificial stupidity.
Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already :hihi: