Definitly rolling with Lizard, mostly cause Dwarves are boring, im angry about Elves and Humans are moslty cool in settings that have a variety of human cultures.

It helps that Lizards are pretty cool in general and i like the idea that they are an ancient empire with a ridiculous eugenics programm.

Cant wait to see what their origin stories may be.
My best guess is that you can either play one that is "lower class" read who is not "perfect" in terms of genetics and looks and the other choice would most likley be one who is "Ideal" and thus kind of upper class or the lizard equivalent of a noble.

Now it would be quite tempting to go full Edmund, but it realy depends what choices we get and how the Lizards are actually portrayed.
Tho playing some sort of arrogant conqureror would definitly be interresting.