Building should be your task. I don't want to force you into a special build (or waste points). I just can make suggestions:

I would choose BoulderBash and Summon Spider as Geo Spells and maybe Oil (but take some fire with you to take advantage from both Oil spells; should be helpful for the first fights, especially against skeletons) or a fire skill (if you are going to combine Pyro and Geo). Or the Water Healing spell if you want her to be your healer.

Attributes: intelligence + speed primarily.

Talents: FaroutDude, Stench + X

Abilities (6 points available):
Geo 1 --> should be enough at the beginning, there are just a few spells you can use
Pyro 1
DualWielding? (two wands) 1 or 2 (=3 points)
+ X (Bodybuilding and Willpower would not be bad; maybe Loremaster or another useful ability)

Last edited by Abraxas*; 03/04/16 04:25 PM.

My mods for DOS 1 EE: FasterAnimations - QuietDay - Samaritan