Originally Posted by Finnik
I have a bproblem with "Extract package" - http://imgur.com/1PNf2FQ
Any ideas? Delete\reupload did't work.
upd: "метод не найден" = "Method not found"

Hi. I didn't make the pak extractor so I'm not sure what's causing the error. I'd try installing the latest .net framework and see if that fixes it. https://www.microsoft.com/net/default.aspx

Originally Posted by Raze

Is there a known issue with this working when using a controller? Someone in the Steam forum reported it worked fine using a keyboard and mouse, but not after switching to a controller.

I just tested it on the latest version using a controller and it worked fine. It would depend on what kind of the error the user is getting. The most common is that "Each player must have a main character assigned" error loop. If that's the issue, the user needs to verify that the exe is modified and the correct exe is being used when launching the game.