Here are some bugs:

Arhu in cat form whispers to me whenever I am in Silverglen, "Psst, over here Hunter, it's me." However, I can't click on him. Here's why: I've already done this. When I first arrived in Silverglen, he did this same thing. I talked to him, etc. Then I went back, albeit much later, and killed Braccus Rex to finally progress the story. At that point on, Arhu started showing up again in Silverglen trying to whisper to me.

Another bug: you can kill the bodyguard in Nadia's shop and neither Nadia nor her son will do anything. You have to kill him though in order to be able to pickpocket or steal anything in the store, because he doesn't rotate to talk to your characters so you can't distract him.

Another bug: mass improving items doesn't work. If you make a whole bunch of axes, for instance, using Iron Bar or what have you, you can make them all using the Recipe list in one go. Then the "Improved Axe" will light up, to improve them via Whetstone (if you're standing between the Anvil and the Whetstone, otherwise just move to the Whetstone). And it will show the same number as you made or however many Axes or weapons you have in your inventory. When you click Combine, it says it does it, but it actually doesn't do anything to the items. You have to individually drag/click every weapon to combine it one at a time with the whetstone to improve it.

Another bug: Magic Needle and Thread doesn't disappear when you use it with Cloth Scraps. The problem though is this affects the mass crafting. If you have one Magic Needle and Thread and 30 Cloth Scraps, it will say you can make 30 Magic Robes. When you click Combine though, it only makes one at a time.

Another bug: several items can't be sold, for instance, all of the "Smelly" quest items. You can keep collecting them after you've finished the quest, but you can't sell them, only drop them. There are other similar items with this problem.

Is there any plan to make use of the many objects that currently have no purpose? Like Globes, Tubes, Lab Junk, Vial, Vial Racks, Folded Shirts... I can think of lots of crafting things that these could be used for, like getting cloth scraps from folded shirts, or making sextants out of globes. And what about Disarm Traps? We can make Lockpicks, but we can't make Disarm Traps?

One other bug: I had one of those exclamation marks appear on my character head -- I think it was to talk to Jahan, after some random battle in the forest. However, it disappeared because he died immediately after from Burning or Poison or something (combat ended so it started ticking faster). When I ressed him it was gone, so I missed that conversation.