Humans, Elves, Dorfs, Lizards and Undead

Dwarves seem to be pretty much dwarves. Chances are humans wont be much of a surprise either.

Elves eat people to, kind of TES like, they gain memory this way, this is a gamepaly mechanic.
Lizards are an old empire ruled by a few that are deemed "perfect"; aperently this leads to its decline.
Undead there are several types, those that decided to stay on their own, those that were summoned by necromancers and those that are "civilized" undead that live in an undead society, supposedly we get to play each of them, also you can play an undead of each other race, so you can be an undead dorf or an undead lizards.
All undead will have the same racials tho from what we know, so its appearence only.

I do wonder however: What will undead armor be like?
In the concept art it appears as if undead had their own distinct armor, however logic would dictate that they wear the racial armors since they are based on the skeletons (quite literaly) of the other races, making specific undead armor would be so much more work as they had to do four times the sets.