I just finished Vampires the Masquerade Bloodlines and next I play Deus Ex again. Those are some of the most immersive games I know. You get exp only for solving quests (and exploration in DE). There are several solutions for most quests. Sometimes you get a better reward if you avoid killing and sometimes you must not be seen to finish a quest. There may be a quest and somebody wants you to kill everyone while somebody else wants you to do something at the same place without using violence.

I really like those 2 games, but I am not sure how good you can compare them to D:OS. They are single character action games while D:OS has a turn based party.
Since exp is very important in RPGs, there are some things that should NOT give exp:
- Randomly attacking people or animals without consequences.
- Killing everything AFTER getting exp for solving quests peacefully.

groovy Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist groovy

World leading expert of artificial stupidity.
Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already :hihi: