2 SniperHF:
Thanks a lot for your answer! Unfortunately, I am completely clueless about the editor, and not having an option to modify talents is a real bummer for my build.
I'd like to develop Jahan as a hybrid rogue/mage (shadowblade?), thus giving him Far out man / Backstabber / Bully and INT 8 / DEX 8 / CON 6 at start (he does have a +1 attribute point above 'normal' +6 for his level, doesn't he?). So his default Elemental affinity / Scientist are just a waste of talent points for me.
Bairdotr is a Crafting / Blacksmithing / Loremaster mule according to my plan, sitting on the bench most of the time, just doing the specialized crafting work when needed. Scientist, Pack Mule and All skilled are what she should get at start.
And Wolgraff is the guy I would like to have around at all times outside of dungeons / wilderness (read: outside of combat) to do Bartering and Nasty deeds like picking pockets, locks - the sneaky stuff, you know. That translate to Light Stepper, Speedcreeper, All skilled up or Politician + Bartering 3 / Sneaking 2 in my mind.
Madora is the only one I'm not eager to change, besides maybe switching Two handed to Dual wielding. Might just leave her alone

and rehire her every time I'm going into a battle or two.
I've already found the table of internal names for skills/abilities and talents
here on google drive.
Would be really awed to get a small instruction guide on how to modify the *.txt files to accomplish my party composition goals, ideally without even touching the *.xlsm files (if possible).
Kind regards,