I'm of the opinion that the same act should award different good/bad points (generalizing here a bit) based on the context in which it is done.

Let's take the hypothetical situation of killing an innocuous looking murderer.

Outright killing him without any questions asked and no information that he is a murderer is pretty clearly an outright evil act.

Killing him with only a hint that he might be a murderer would still be an evil act, but a lesser one.

Killing him with evidence in hand would be a mildly good act.

Now, I'm saying this from a reputation point of view. This means how the world sees your character/party. I would find it interesting to have both a reputation point of view, as well as a more absolute point of view, something that builds upon the system D:OS 1 had.

Building upon D:OS 1's reputation and character trait system, I'd really like to see both reputation and character traits to be split into categories. So, your traits would describe your character from an inside point of view, while reputation would describe your character on the same scales, but from an outside point of view.

Heck, I'd be even more interested in the reputation system if we were to throw in a third opinion, namely that of the gods: how each god views a character based on what that character is and what the god considers to be part of its sphere.

But I wager that's just me and my enjoyment of meaningful complexity.

To summarize: This is all just an opinion, but I think rewards/penalties should apply to one action based on the context in which said action was performed. I also think the reputation/traits system could be expanded to include other factors, have more points of view and describe a character using the same scales for all points of view.

Unless otherwise specified, just an opinion or simple curiosity.