
I couldn't seem to find a good, clear source for Adventurer's Gear, including full locations of the upgrades, so I thought I'd make a quick guide for anyone with this question in the future. Any large spoiler, such as the exact location, will be hidden appropriately.

Adventurer's Weapons Basic Information

What: There are four 'base' weapons that you can get nearly at the beginning of the game. As you play, you will come across upgrades for these items that keep them competitive throughout the entire campaign. There is an Axe, Bow, Staff and Sword.

How They Progress There are three upgrades for each of the weapons that are obtained as you continue through the game. These are crafted into upgraded versions by taking the original Adventurer's Weapon and combining it with the kit. Note: Kits must be done in order to upgrade.

Generally Where: One kit for each weapon is found in each distinct map area. To give you an idea, that means:

  • Adventurer's Base Weapons: Bought in the Cyseal Map
  • Adventurer's Kits 1: Found in Hiberheim Map
  • Adventurer's Kits 2: Found in Silverglen Map
  • Adventurer's Kits 3 : Found in the Phantom Forest Map

We'll walk through each of the locations, with screenshots:

Cyseal Base Kits:
These are purchased by Charla. You can find her by going out the "Southwest Gate" of Cyseal onto the beach. An easy way to locate this is to take the Cyseal - Harbor waypoint and walk Northwest about thirty feet to the gate. Follow the right wall until you come across an undead woman named Charla who sells the four weapons. Here is an image:

Hiberheim Kits (Part 1)
Axe Kit Part I: Shaft
Located in the Hiberheim Prison, in one of the four cells (Southwest) where you first teleport in. Here is an image:

Bow Kit Part I: String
Located very near the entrance to the Elemental Forge in the northern-most area of Hiberheim. There is a Malfunctioning Sentinel outside and directly west of the doors leading into the Elemental Forge. The kit is buried very close to that. Use perception boosts if needed to uncover it. Here is an image:

Staff Kit Part I: Branch
The Staff Kit Part I is located inside the Cabin of the White Witch in the southwestern corner of Luculla Forest. Take the "Cabin of the White Witch waypoint and search inside.

Note: Screenshot will be provided soon.

Sword Kit Part I: Guard
Located inside King Boreas' Treasure Room, accessed after defeating King Boreas in Hiberheim. If you missed it, simply take the Hiberheim - Castle Entrance waypoint and head northwest until you arrive back in the treasure room. Here's an image:

Luculla Forest Kits (Part 2)
Axe Kit Part II: Head
This item can be found within the Troll King's Cave in Luculla Forest. It is found on the table that the Troll King stands by. Here's an image:

Bow Kit Part II: Branch
This is found inside Maradino's Studyroom, near the plant boss. This is fairly close to where Frederik's Goblin is hiding. Here's an image:

Staff Kit Part II: Carving
You can find this object at the large temple at the end of the Closing the Rift quest. The Staff Kit can be found on the altar directly south of the giant Blood Stone you have to destroy.

If you're going back for this, you can find the temple in the northern-most part of the map in Luculla. You have to pass through the desert to get to it. The quickest path is to take the Goblin Village waypoint and head directly north. Here's an image:

Sword Kit Part II: Hilt
You can find this on the second floor of the Immaculate Academy in the Immaculate Village. If you're going back, take the Luculla Forest - Sacred Stone waypoint and head north into the village. The school is on the eastern side and connects to the prisons. It should also be labeled on your map. Here's an image:

Phantom Forest Kits (Part 3)
Axe Kit Part III: Grip
The Axe Kit is given to you by the Undead Vendor, Hortun, right outside of Hunter's Edge. It's a dialogue option with him - he will hand it to you when you ask about Charla.

Here's an image:

Bow Kit Part III: Handle
You can find this where you meet Cassandra, laying in the pile of corpses around her. This is in the northern-most area of the map. If you're searching for it, take the Phantom Forest - Thorny Grounds waypoint and head north.

Here's an image:

Staff Kit Part III: Gem
You'll find the Staff Kit Part III: Gem inside the Wizard's House in Hunter's Edge. To access this item, you must have deactivated the defenses of the house, then push a button on the wall to open the room. If you're going back for this, simply take the Phantom Forest - Hunter's Edge waypoint and enter the basement behind the Ransacked House again. Follow the portals to the interior of the Wizard's House.

Here's an image:

Sword Kit Part III: Blade
You can find this in the cellar below Balberith's Cabin, located in the southeastern part of the Phantom Forest. If you're going back for it, take the Phantom Forest - Swamp waypoint and head southeast down to the cabin against the water.

Here's an image:

Pictures of Final Weapons: