Hey Norbyte,

Amazing tool! I'm having an issue getting my modified save file to work:

  • I unpack the lsv save file.
  • I convert the global.lsf to global.lsx.
  • I modify global.lsx (literally changed one of my characters ability points from 1 to 5 for a test).
  • I convert the modified global.lsx back to global.lsf.
  • I create a package from the directory I initially unpacked to.
  • I put the new save game lsv file in the old save game directory.

My game crashes everytime I try to load it. It also shows the "this saved game may be corrupt" message as well.

Any ideas? I simply unpacked a save and then repacked it to make sure that the tool worked. It did.

EDIT: Ok, either I'm doing this wrong or found a bug. If I convert global.lsf to global.lsx and back again without changing ANYTHING, and then remake the package, the game crashes when loading with this lsv. Even the sizes are different. The new, crashing one is 6,000k whereas the working one is 5,400k. What's even stranger is that I can convert to and from global.lsf to glboal.lsx all day with no errors and without losing bytes.

EDIT 2: Just for your awareness, I tried doing the batch conversions (back and forth without changing anything) instead. In this case, the game file said "incompatible" when I tried to select it form the saved games.

Last edited by hamburglin; 09/07/16 02:52 AM.