
So if you can get by with only checking the speaker for the item template, HasItemTemplate will do the job. If you must check the whole party, you could get the whole party involved in the dialog. Though the conditions on that would be pretty complicated.

Okay, seems broken then. Thank you for research. Using HasItemTemplate won't be possible, so I'll create character dialog flags with Osiris but it would have been much more comfortable in dialog itself.
When script and dialog are finished it will be more plausible. It will be like: 1. Crafting --> 1. Item 1. 2. Item 2. ... --> 1. Amount one. 2. Amount five. 3. Amount ten. --> 1. Back to crafting 2. More. 3. Leave.
So 'Back to crafting' will display all available crafting recipes again but many didn't show up a second time when just one of the necessary templates was available.

My mods for DOS 1 EE: FasterAnimations - QuietDay - Samaritan