I tried the fix function, unfortunately it didn't help. And it only works if I copy the dialog file to the Shared keywords folder, otherwise it says the file couldn't be found. And if I do so the error message panel says it couldn't edit the file due to missing developer rights, but the dialog file in my mod folder got fixed though. Don't know what it changed but the text IDs are still the same.

So taking a risk or replacing 400 text ids for about 200 nodes...
Better safe than sorry if you are unsure. Using the editor should make sure you get uniques and don't have to worry about this.

Both replacing IDs and using the keyword editor would cost me about 5x more time, so I hesitate, yet...

What I do here is the following:

I have about 200 nodes for items to craft. If one node is selected it will push four nodes: Amount 1, Amount 5, Amount 10, back to categories. I could save some time if I pushed just one node (maybe called 'Choose Amount') that pushes those four nodes. So I wouldn't have to push all 4 nodes for every selectable item but just one node. But that would require one more button to press (selecting 'Choose Amount' and THEN Amount 1, 5, 10 or back to categories). This may seem irrelevant, but since the crafting dialog is meant to be used very often one more button makes a big difference.

So the only option to avoid spending a lot of time or risking problems with identical IDs could be to select the 'Choose Amount' node automatically in dialog by setting speaker 1 (who you talk to) as owner. But speaker 1 is also a player character. So, I guess I need an AI for speaker 1 that selects the node automatically. But were is the dialog AI information stored for characters and is it possible to assign AI to your companions, and not just main player characters?

My mods for DOS 1 EE: FasterAnimations - QuietDay - Samaritan