Originally Posted by Raze

My location wasn't really a factor. I joined the previous Larian forum just after Divine Divinity was originally released, and hung around long enough that they hired me (four and a half years ago).

The changes to loot generation are probably part of the problem, but it was a change in one of the updates that increased the number of handles used and turned the 'practically unlimited' number of handles into something that could be reached with a lot of trading or crafting. When the system was implemented, it seemed more than adequate; then the game grew significantly (even then nobody hit the limit in the original release, until after the EE was out) and changes in the EE increased the demand for handles.

This did occur at least once in D:OS Classic, at a playtime over 550 hours (that was only reported after this problem was discovered and the limit raised in the EE).
D:OS 2 will not be using the same handle system.

So you're at Larian since somewhen around what, when 'the amazing spectacle that is Dragon Commander' came out ?

For me D:OS is among few best games of all times, together with a legend like Might & Magic 6 (and 7 in some ways), one Drakensang and The Temple of Elemental Evil (both the latter being way too short), oh, and not to forget something completely different, Diablo I and II (never touched Diablo 3).

At the moment, the only games I even ever play are D:OS and LOTRO.
Beating the Void Dragon was one of the saddest moments in my 'gaming history' ... because that was the moment the game was over. (An advantage of MMOs is, one can hardly ever reach that moment ;-)

A game as good as D:OS makes me passionate about it and is the reason I got interested in modding it. In order to do that I need information about how things work. A lot of info is already here in the forum but a lot is also still unknown. (Not to Larian obviously)

So I want to apologize for being so obnoxious about getting info many times, it's only because I'm so passionate about it ;-)