Joined: Mar 2004
Beyond Divinity will crash to the Desktop right after I start the game.
Background: ASUS A7N266-C Motherboard.
1. I am dual booting using Partion Magic Boot mangaer into either Windows XP Pro with all updates and the most current drivers for all devices or Windows ME.
2. The same applies to ME.
I have patched to the version 1.45
3. I can play the game without any problems on a P3-750 system, with a ASUS P3B-F mother board.
4. Under Widows ME I get a DDHelp error message, under XP Pro; just straight back to the desk top without any errors.
I DO HAVE the most current drivers available to date <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" /> as of 14 June 2004 for both operating systems.
Any help would be most gratefull
Joined: Mar 2003
In another topic, one of the Larians suggested using the 3rd party optimized drivers from http://www.omegacorner.com to fix problems with ATI or nVidia chipsets in laptops. Perhaps motherboards with integrated video can run into the same problems?
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2003
Beyond Divinity will crash to the Desktop right after I start the game. Do you see the intro movie? If not, the cause of the crash might be some video codec or filter that's installed on your machine. I don't think nForce is to blame, and the Omega drivers will only help if you have a laptop.
Joined: Mar 2004
I have a AMD Athlon XP 2200+ cpu, GeFore 4Ti 4400 graphics card, & Soundblaster Audigy 1 sound card. 510Mb PC2100 memory. I can view intro movies and credits ok. This crash even happens when I load a savedgame from the P3-750 system.
On the P3-750 system I have a Geforce 3Ti graphics card, & Soundblaster Live sound card. 256Mb PC100 memory.
Yes I have tried different version's of video drivers (older ones, & the most current). Even different screen settings for the game. Makes not difference.
I think that it has something with how <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beyond.gif" alt="" /> handles direct draw and D3D instructions. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/question.gif" alt="" />
Last edited by Stormblade; 15/06/04 07:41 PM.
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old hand
Joined: Dec 2003
One of Microsoft's suggestions: right-click your desktop and click "Properties" (to open the "Display" Properties panel, you can also get there through Start-Settings-Control Panel-Display). Go to "Settings" and then click the button "Advanced". Then, choose "Troubleshooting" and lower the "Hardware Acceleration" slider.
Other solutions I have found are re-installing DirectX (after completely uninstalling video drivers), re-installing your video drivers, or even uninstalling Win98/Me and going for 2K/XP <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
It's not a "Beyond Divinity"-only error apparently, as I've read about this problem on several boards, just Googling for "ddhelp error"...
Joined: May 2004
One of Microsoft's suggestions: right-click your desktop and click "Properties" (to open the "Display" Properties panel, you can also get there through Start-Settings-Control Panel-Display). Go to "Settings" and then click the button "Advanced". Then, choose "Troubleshooting" and lower the "Hardware Acceleration" slider. Did you actually get the configtool to work with disabled acceleration? I know if I mess with this stuff at all, it first k/o's my new nVidia driver (I just upgraded from an ATI Radeon), then the <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beyond.gif" alt="" /> configtool failed with a "Can't read configuration file" error popup. In any case, the crashes I've had in the past are still there, even with the new video card. However, when I get the bluescreen every so often, it's a different error: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. The only other thing that seems to be common is that a lot of people reporting these errors seem to be using ASUS motherboards. EDIT: I see that you can go back about 2 notches in disabling acceleration. You can disable advanced drawing routines, but I don't know if this is really the real cause of the crashes, or if it will help any. I'll do some more testing and see if it helps or not, if it does, I'll post whether it fixes anything. I know that some people also changed their harddrives to run at PIO mode by disabling DMA.
Last edited by nullzero; 17/06/04 04:50 AM.
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old hand
Joined: Dec 2003
then the <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beyond.gif" alt="" /> configtool failed with a "Can't read configuration file" error popup Delete these files from the BD folder and try again (they are automatically created): config.div, slashed.cfg, slashed-d3d6.cfg. In any case, the crashes I've had in the past are still there, even with the new video card. However, when I get the bluescreen every so often, it's a different error: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL That's a nasty one, pointing more to hardware or OS problems than to software...
Joined: May 2004
then the <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beyond.gif" alt="" /> configtool failed with a "Can't read configuration file" error popup Delete these files from the BD folder and try again (they are automatically created): config.div, slashed.cfg, slashed-d3d6.cfg. Yeah, I tried that, no luck. I recall wiping those out from several weeks ago for another configtool related problem. DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL That's a nasty one, pointing more to hardware or OS problems than to software... [/quote] Yeah, that's pretty much what I got from IRQ and DRIVER. I've had a couple other errors too. One thing that has bothered me though, is that a lot of these reports are coming from people with ASUS mobos. I know they released version 1014 of the flash back in early may/late april, and I flashed up to that one (which could be important since it enables 8X AGP support capability in the DMI info), but I've been experiencing the same problems as before. I know I've had basically the same problems between two different graphic cards, I've tested the memory and it came up clean, so who knows...
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Joined: Dec 2003
I once had an Asus A7V which at first did nothing but crash. Now it's the most reliable machine I have. Don't ask me why, maybe chipset drivers, BIOS flash, or even the order in which I installed the necessary stuff, but I remember many a sleepless night of looking on the internet for answers and tips... I found a lot of info on www.a7vtroubleshooting.com, maybe there is a similar website about your motherboard?
Joined: Mar 2004
I am at a loss on exactly what is causing my CTD's. I have done a "clean insatll" of each O.S. (WinME and XP) each in a hidden partition managed by partition magic's boot manager.
At one time I even invested in a ASUS A7V8X-X motherboard with 1 gig of PC3200 ram, but the latests drivers from Via would not work with ME. I prefer to be able to dual boot into differnet O.S's because I have some older games that work better with ME (Win9x).
On the ASUS A7V8X-X <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beyond.gif" alt="" /> played just fine, but other D3D games just tanked with poor frame rates on Windows ME. Via's web site warns that their most uptodate drivers are not recommended for "retro" o.s's (i.e. Win9x).
I do like the A7N266-C for gaming because of the dual channel memory feature <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin1.gif" alt="" />
Yes I tried different acceleration settings on both video and sound.
Well I just play <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beyond.gif" alt="" /> on differnt computer that I have is all.
Thanks everyone <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" />
Joined: May 2004
Okay all:
For the most part, after weeks of fighting with this, I figured out some fixes for some of the problems.
First of all, get X-Setup by Xteq, TweakXP, or some other application. Within your tweaking app, there should be an option (somewhere) related to crashing where you can disable "automatically rebooting on hard crash" or something like that. In any case, the outcome should be that you get a bluescreen and a memory dump instead of automatically rebooting. On that bluescreen, you should get an error message like the following:
Here are the three I used to get, randomly, and how I fixed them:
UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP: This one was sneaky. Even though I had completely disabled my personal firewall and antivirus (Sygate Personal Firewall Pro and Avast! Home Edition), it still would give me this error. I found out that most of these firewalls/av software, even when disabled, will still run in some form in the background. I uninstalled both applications, and I no longer get this error (however, I don't advise you to be fully unprotected, especially if you're on broadband...I plugged in my linux box and set it up as a firewall, and got a less obtrusive virus scanner). I know the technical reasons for this, involving win32 system traps used by firewall apps to block unauthorized apps, but I won't get into it. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />
DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL: This one was kind of a "duh" for me when I figured it out...ASUS motherboards share an IRQ between the AGP port and the first or second PCI slot. I fixed this one by moving my IDE controller card down to the third PCI slot, and this error stopped.
I had a third error that I saw right off was a crash in the video card driver, nv4_disp.dll. I fixed that one, actually, by "downgrading" my video driver (I installed some older Omega drivers for nVIDIA cards manually through the system hardware manager, and I just installed the older ones right over the new ones). That made that error go away (I can't remember the actual error message though, I seem to have lost the slip of paper I wrote it down on, but I clearly recall that the name of the video card driver was on the bluescreen and that the crash was in that file).
I also saw an error in uhcd.sys, which is related to USB. You may need to uninstall the drivers for one of your USB devices if you get this error.
Anyway, after fixing all this stuff, I still get the occasional crash to desktop. But it's very few and far between, so it's acceptable. I'll figure those out eventually, they're probably a side effect of downgrading my graphics card or something to do with my sound card, ASUS motherboard drivers, or something stupid like that.
Anyway, thanks for the suggestions all, and for those having problems...stick with it, this game is worth it for the hassles (although, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get too many of those hours back, but at least I know my system's more stable now than it was!)
Last edited by nullzero; 20/06/04 08:08 AM.
Joined: Mar 2004
OK; AUSU motherboards sharing IRQ with AGP and 1st & 2nd PCI slots?
1. Question; What AUSU motherboard do you have? What IRQ (#?) is the suspect?
2; You mention moving your "IDE" controller to another PCI slot. Would this aply to sound or NIC cards too?
3; This indeed sounds like it is the source of my problem, but what does DDHelp have to do with it. Some IRQ conflict?
4; In your reference, do you count the 1st PCI slot as the first one next to the AGP slot? Or the other way?
This is the best kind of techinical help <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/birthday.gif" alt="" /> Thanks big time <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
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Is there a driver name given in the error message (xyz.sys, etc)? Did you try updating your video drivers, etc? If you already have the latest video drivers, a you could try a clean re-install (see here or here, for example).
Joined: Aug 2016
there is thing now i search this problem on google and found an article http://www.deskdecode.com/how-to-fix-stop-0x000000d1-driver_irql_not_less_or_equal-error/ about this driver related problem as you can see and they told me to analyze the drivers name so found its a athw8x.sys driver who's creating the problem so can you help to fix this particular driver plz help i having some school project to make and tomorrow is the last date thanks for your reply
Joined: Mar 2003
That file is related to your Atheros wifi driver. Check for updates, or (after making sure you have the latest driver install files) remove them, reboot and reinstall. Error : DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL(athw8x.sys)