Originally Posted by Leter
Let's face it. 2016 is unrealistic.
They've put to much stuff on that wagon. Races, skilltrees, dimentions, and what not and now they are stuck between KS and reality. To be clear, I don't accuse them of wrong intentions, just think they overestemited their engine capabilities and theirs. Now there so many factors and interactions between game elements and on top of that lore of the univers that it's becoming if not the design nightmare then extremly difficult task. I belive in Larian Studios, they can pull it off but I do hope they realize the complexity of the task and that on the way to accompish those goals Larian will not forget about one thing we love them for - attention to detail, humor, and well thought out mechanics, and polished game.
I'm not the game designer, nor have anything to do with their development, but in my humble opinion end of 2017 is better time to release this game.
And that's good, they should NOT rush it. They should take advatige of being their own publishers end FINISH the game. Please Larian don't rush it out to the market. You have no excuse to do that. Stop, look at the problem, estemate the needs and just do it in your own pace. You have a chance to make witcher 4, the kind of games we wait for decades. Good luck.

BTW please fix my KS badge.

A bit harsh but hey, not unheard of. At least Larian is not as unreliable as Perihelion.