Originally Posted by Abraxas*
Originally Posted by Stabbey
I'm not sure Memory is a good idea. It's not the idea of limiting your skill slots that I object to - it's having to spend previous attribute points to increase your skill slots.

Especially at the current trade rate of 3 attribute points = 1 skill slot.

It really depends on how may attribute points you get on level-up. In D:OS 1, you got 0.5 attribute points on level-up. I'm pretty sure that you have to be getting a lot more than that in D:OS 2. They certainly can't give you only 0.5 or 1 attribute point a level and expect players to actually use the Memory attribute.

Originally Posted by Dark_Ansem
Do you have any desire do to a constructive comment?

Originally Posted by Dark_Ansem
Well I have the feeling you just happen to be be rude to others. No one is saying that one should not criticise. But what you are saying is "this is wrong". It would be more appropriate to say "this is wrong WHY". As of now, your Why is based on your assumptions.

I'm not a moderator. But you shouldn't 'pay back' disagreement to some of your posts with unrelated, not to say, misplaced criticism. There's nothing unconstructive about his post. He says he was 'not sure Memory is a good idea' and gives reasons for that. That's highly constructive, since he doesn't just state opinion.

Reason is that I haven't found reasons built on certainty. And I don't really care about disagreement, that's what I am here for.