Originally Posted by Stabbey
Originally Posted by Baudolino05

That's a very good point.
I'm asking the developers here: will mage-like characters have means to deplete physical armor and vice versa?
I'm really curious.

My guess is that Mages won't have to care about physical armor and warriors won't have to care about magical armor. Once you break the armor for the damage you are dealing, you can do direct HP damage.
For example, a warrior can attack an enemy and break their physical armor, then even though the enemy has full magic armor, that does not protect at all versus physical damage and they can die from that with full magic armor still on.

Could be. But in this case - as suggested by Madscientist - warrior-like and mage-like characters will not be able to cooperate in order to take down the same enemy.

Last edited by Baudolino05; 23/08/16 01:04 PM.