They already said in MULTIPLE videos that they have NPC's react differently based on race, so while they won't have to change EVERY LINE of dialog, they WILL have to change a large portion of dialog that is Race Dependent, which still requires testing.

I never said it wouldn't take no work... However I should state that "NPC's react differently based on race" isn't an all the time affair.

We already have videos on this.

Now as I said "Son of Merchant" doesn't overwrite your race tag or gender tag so the vast majority of the game does on as normal. It is only when the game fishes up your "Son of Merchant" tag that this becomes an issue.

And goodness people. I am only one person (and the only person who even understands what I am talking about), and I have to rebuff two of you guys at once.

I am being a bit overwhelmed to admit.

Last edited by Neonivek; 26/08/16 09:00 PM.