Joined: Aug 2015
Post your Bugs and Issues here! That'll help us see where the problems are. Thanks a lot peeps 
Last edited by norD; 15/09/16 05:51 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2004
So early access seems to have started early as I am currently playing. One thing I cannot figure out is how to change starting skills. I can change stats, talents and such but I can't seem to change the initial chosen spells/skills. In my case I chose wizard but I can't change the 3 spells.
Joined: Sep 2016
Game freezes for me as soon as I click the "create" button on the first screen after game loads.. Is there a logfile somewhere which I can attach to make bug reporting easier?
Joined: Sep 2016
Never mind. I verified file integrity, and that seems to have fixed it.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2015
Alright early in the game secret Alcove
I spoke to the child and got an option [Mystic] that let me hug the child.
(Honestly it is weird that the mystic option is to hug the child as it is... As there is nothing really in being a mystic that explains why I'd be good at dealing with children... Unless Mystics can read minds... I think the writers MIGHT have mixed up character dialog and and the mystic tag dialog)
The Child then gave me a scroll basically signifying that I successfully comforted her.
I then spoke to Unnis who immediately told me to leave because I was scaring the child. I put up my hand and said I didn't mean any harm... Then she told me to leave and locked me out of future conversations.
Edit: I checked the reason the Mystic option was to hug the child... was because Lohse is a mystic.
Please PLEASE make the tags less attached to the characters they are based on. I am a mystic a practitioner of the mystic arts... I am not Lohse.
Edit Edit: Then again it can EASILY just be an oversight and the writer/programmer wrote in Mystic instead of Lohse.
Last edited by Neonivek; 14/09/16 09:45 PM.
Joined: Oct 2015
I have same issue like meme. I cannot change my starting skills.
Joined: Aug 2015
I have a very strange "issue". My graphics card has coil whine! When I alt tab or go to the menu, it stops. As soon as the game starts again, it is back. I tried to play Doom afterwards to test it, no coil whine in Doom... Is this even possible?
Joined: Sep 2016
Downloaded fine, but the screen is not playable. I can only see a corner about a quarter og the screen in the top right corner. When I click the mouse, the tiny character walks toward it, but it's not really playable. Have tried verifying files and changing every option I could think of. Nvidia GTX 970 Newest drivers. Windows 10.
Here is a screenshot from my OneDrive
[url=https://ndjurs-my.sharepoint.com/personal/uvprrjbk_ndjurs_dk/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=%2fDHA%2f4ANMmrCSK8fyFB9yd7MWXTmQEGTyCPS5UiHwTU%3d&docid=095a6203a5f214e448043d2d1a80c2758&rev=1]Picture of my screen on OneDrive[/url]
Joined: Sep 2016
Your turn -indicator stays on screen after combat. This happened when combat ended on enemies burning to death on start of turn. Played on Version with The Red Prince as wizard.
Joined: Aug 2015
"Your Turn" indicator is a known issue.
Also, you can't, for now, change skill while creating your character.
Joined: Aug 2016
It seems like "All Skilled Up" and "Bigger and Better" talents don't have any effect if selected in the character customization screen alongside the already addressed change-skills issue.
Joined: Sep 2016
Overall good, minor niggles:
1) Lot of clothes flickering, especially on the female elf clothes around the waist during character creation.
2) The text chatbox during CAMPAIGN doesn't allow for deletion or editing of text. Global chat during menus or arena allows this.
3) In Arena main lobby (not game lobby), the global chat text box allows you to type in more characters than will show in the actual chat log.
4) minor spoiler - I helped an elf right when i entered the first town, got into a fight, won, she says 'follow me!' and runs off so fast I didn't have time to react. Where the hell did she go? Maybe make her a bit slower or wait for you, I didn't realize I had 1 second of reaction time.
Last edited by Tuonela; 14/09/16 10:49 PM.
Joined: Sep 2016
Hello, here is my bug list so far:
1) If you invite someone to Arena while they're in the Options menu and then launch Arena they see the Options menu and when they click any of the buttons their game will crash.
2) When in Arena the chat will break once after a while (possibly when there should be a scroll bar).
3) When in Arena, if you chose to go back to the Lobby in the middle of a round, the invite button (and possible joining the lobby) will no longer work.
And what might not be a bug but really looks like one:
When creating a character you cannot customize the skills you start with, even though you can change what abilities you have, I haven't tested it but I would think if you pick a class then change the abilities to something different you can start with skills for which you do not have the requirements. EDIT: Just noticed NorD already reported this one, should have read before... But oh well I'll leave it in.
Last edited by Xiaminou; 14/09/16 11:02 PM.
Joined: Jan 2014
Not sure if this is a bug or if I'm missing something, but after finishing the Migo quest I was given a key and a map marker for a door into the fort. I went over to the marker area and the only door is on an unreachable second floor.
Joined: Aug 2015
Not sure if this is a bug or if I'm missing something, but after finishing the Migo quest I was given a key and a map marker for a door into the fort. I went over to the marker area and the only door is on an unreachable second floor. You need to find a way to get up there 
Joined: Oct 2015
Swen said that I was getting early Early Access, one day early.
I checked the clock. It says 15 September.
I think D:OS2 broke my clock. Please patch this.
(I'm in Australia.)
Joined: Sep 2016
Zombie + Necromancer = suicide.
Basically, necromancer heals you for damage dealt with spells in combat. Zombie makes you healed by poison, harmed by healing. I healed myself to death in the tutorial fight after trying to make a necromancy themed witch.
Joined: Sep 2016
Hello there,
I want to report a bug where my character is stunned (electrocuted) for indefinitely.
Details: My class: inquisitor Where: first fights against the two bugs on the beach. Sitting on the pool of blood. Action: stand on the pool of blood while attacking an enemy. My attacks create electric shock. The enemy is stunned. The blood transmits the discharge to my character. My character is stunned. Next turn. Enemy recovers from stun effect. My character remains stun. Next turn. My character is still stunned. Etc.
[url=http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/478894703715264161/47346954A6FF9B99B23496FFC7A5EB63553FC108/]Screenshot here.[/url] Did anyone else experienced that?
Joined: Sep 2016
When creating a character, I left out some skill points for later - so that I would be able to see what I need first and then assign those points... but they were gone when I started to play the game :(
When creating a character, I chose the talent Bigger and better which should give me 2 attribute points. I couldn't assign them at character creation, but they were also gone when the game started.
Would be great if you could fix it cause I was playing until level up - I thought maybe I will be able to assign them when lvl up, now I have to restart the game :(((
Joined: Sep 2016
Found 2 small bugs! :D
First one, when I unchecked the button on lohse to not display the helmet when out of combat I get a bald lohse! :D https://gyazo.com/ce4b212187c0ae8f16b360a67e3e362a
second, i'm on azerty, i have 2 keyboard settings which i sometimes shift between when there is a game that uses qwerty and has no rebindable keys. When I turn them on the azerty setting, it automatically changes it back to the qwerty. Not a big deal, but worth noticing :)