Sadly such mazes are pretty pointless, because of Teleport.
* Something is improving Fortify's armour amount. Level? Existing armour? Strenght? Nothing ingame that tells. And the tooltip on character just keeps saying +30, being so very very wrong.
Leveling up seems to be the main reason for spells to get stronger. Geomancer improves Fortify too, and it's written in the description. Stats have less influence the higher your level gets, ridiculous deminishing return.
Level 6, Int 23 (4%), Geomancer 1: Fossil Strike 57-70 damage
Level 8, Int 27 (2%), Geomancer 1: Fossil Strike 87-107 damage
Estimation if Points put in Const instead of Int:
Level 8, Int 23 (-6%), Geomancer 1: Fossil Strike 80-99 damage & +88 HP
7. It doesn't help we now have Consitution, Vitality the HP AND the combat ability. Gear that gives +Vitality (which is the ability) and gear that gives +HP (which technically does not exist in this game). And then a talent that gives you additional vitality (the HP one, not the ability) if you have ANOTHER ability (which is quite more powerful than massive diminishing effect own ability). Are you still there?
At current state +vitality is sadly pretty pointless. Flat increase of HP I would always prefer, because 1% more per point after the first is just ridiculous.
Flat HP increase was always good for mages, because they tend to have low const.