THe first time I did it I did not install the patch. Just replaced the files. This didn't work, so i reinstalled the game, got the English patch tried installing it( going into the registry and everything) however it said I did not have Divine Divinity installed. So now its full game, original text...yada yada yada.

And like I've said a couple of times, its a Thai version, and I didn't find any patches in that language. If you want to verify that it IS Thai, go here. I can even give you some screenshots with the Thai writing on them. Looks neat.

Just a thought: is there some kind of file verification on the CD's? That might be stopping the change from Thai to English. Beats me...

Moonlight flitters in night dark, the unheard sound of elven feet. Firelight flickers in bar bright, the sloshing of Dwarven brew. No light but that of eye, the dragon warden endures.