Love the game, feels and looks amazing. Obviously it feels a little rough with it being such an early in-dev release, but one thing really seemed to make me "feel" a bit unresponsive when it really wasn't.
When you get close to your destination, you walk. Im pretty sure this is the same in OS1, but it really seems to effect me in the alpha for this sequel. Im a click-multiple-times to move, or hold mouse down close to character for more control type of person, and this means that Im always walking when I do this. I know it can be easily passed off as "you need to get used to it" and I kinda did (Much as I did with the left/right mouse clicks, been playing a lot of Mobas recently lol), but it still feels unnatural. I would love an option in menu to find always walk/run to a keybind, or simply disable the walk feature altogether. Then again, its a neat little feature so maybe it just needs some tweaking on the click distance or something.