Originally Posted by Cavemandiary
Hmm. Fight was hard, but not that hard. My red prince with burn my eyes(dispel blind), haste and rage was critting bishop for 350, so it only really took two rounds of attack for him to go down. He also had comeback kid, which was a big help i suppose..

rest of the team was just supporting the prince really, since rage and warlord(especially in combination) are so inanely OP atm..

I know on the internet that no matter what you claim to have difficulty with "Climbing Mount Everest was hard" someone will responsd with "QQ EZ did it 3x this morning" but this takes the cake.

While no doubt min maxing alpha balance issues can give you strength I highly doubt you face tanked this fight legitimately. I also use 2h Rage Red Lizard as already had a sword/board dwarf hes the highest output in the party but he dies, gets petrified, comboed by ghast+knight etc.

You countered the blind and I absolutely believe you crit for 350 but he crits for 600 and has more defense/offense not to mention the rest of his party is pretty beefy. Now you may have dumped stat points into wits on all characters knowing that NPCs have abnormally high initiative, perhaps got more CC off even exploited pathing better than i did giving you time to nuke bishop but there is no way in hell you can honestly say this is balanced properly.

If you walked in the front door faced this encounter as intended with your party in the room/on the wings I want a video to match the claims you make. If you got lucky burned down bishop before he got to wreck and managed to split the rest then congratulations on the luck its not a l2p issue.