Teleporting him down to the boat is a great strat. Having all 4 custom characters helps more than you know as most of us were stuck with recruited pregens

Aside from that advantage I noticed 2 things that allowed your victory.

1 your archer was able to round 1 CC both the mage and enemy archer. How did he get past the mag armor + phys armor CC immunity as most aoe CC would run into one of those? if there is an arrow/consumable combo that good I definitely want to know.

2 you got very lucky twice. Pathing: you were able to keep agro without any agro abilities and kite the melee who can definitely wreck most. And secondly some of the deadliest NPCs clumped up without any direct position manipulation from you allowing for the the most OP ability in both damage an CC (Hailstorm) which was then followed up by aoe consumable spam.

Were you forced to actually deal with the gheist warrior and mage on an individual level it would have turned out much differently.

Given the vibe of your comment (underleveled ezmode gg ez ) You seem to have confused luck, exploiting, and min maxing with skill/balance. At these difficulty levels a fight should be tough for a rounded party, not a faceroll for min maxers, and difficult for those who fail to do research.

Congratulations on the encounter however in both cases exploits combined with pathing errors and luck allow you to complete events even under leveled. For example my bugged completion of the Dweller encounter no character dropped below 80% health It did not make me think I was skilled nor that the encounter was well designed as I can look at the situation and see how it should have gone if both NPC and PC were on equal footing.

I do hope that larian balances this difficulty mode based less on the opinions of those who abuse broken game mechanics and make the encounter a struggle instead of a test of cheese and save scumming. I personally open with a roleplay approach and then resort to funneling/cheesing when the going gets tough. I note in this post that even with some of the scummiest tactics the fight can be uphill.

ps. I am also guilty of walls of text but put a space inbetween on occasion.