Looking through all the origin characters and their class options has me wondering if the modelers used to work in the comic book industry. Some of the poses, especially the females, look painful and possibly scoliotic.
The way the hips jut out and twist the back reminds me of the controversy over Spider-Woman #1 a few years back.
No. This sort of nonsense belongs to Tumblr not here. Larian has chosen their aesthetics and yes they look outlandish but they always have, have you played Dragon Commander?
Artistic vission need not be hurt because someones hurt feelings.
Also, seriously? Complaining about the fact that each race has their own aesthetic? Maybe heavy elven armor is not plate armor because elves dont use plate? Their entire theme is that their armor looks organic, why would their heavy armor be plate? I dont see you complaining about lizard Cowls not beeing cowns but huge turbans.
We are talking about a game with Teleporting crocodiles and you complain that the poses of fantasy characters is exagrated, when the two races where this is the case (lizard and elf) have extremley exagrated body structure with overly long limbs wiht the lizards not even having human like legs.