Is this really the first thing you want people to see in the game?
(I'm afraid you'll have to follow the link to see the picture as I'm not yet a full forum member. But for those who do no wish to follow the link it is a picture of the female elf that appears when you boot up character creation)
I have to be honest, I was really excited for this game, but having this be the default state of dress for an entire race of women has murdered my enthusiasm. And I’m not the only one who was disappointed by this rather blatant sexism.
You can say all you want about how the men are dressed the same for the elves, but it’s not equivalent in any way. Women are constantly sexualized or reduced to their anatomy. You can’t hand wave it away by saying it’s their elven culture. A writer had to create that culture and that writer does not exist in a vacuum.
A few women I have asked about this have been hugely disappointed and have opted to not buy this game or future Larian products. These people have supported Larian for many years, and are disappointed with this choice. The only reason you’re hearing from me and not them is that this is so standard it wasn’t worth their time to write something like this out and then be told by commenters that they’re are being some sort of prude or that “The game is for adults and some people like this stuff and you’re just being an social jusblah blah blah”
And here’s the thing, I don’t really care if this sort of absurd outfit is an option. I think the elves look kinda gross in a living beef jerky plant kinda way but I’m guessing that’s the point and that’s fine. I even get why you would want to show that off. But it needs to be done in a way that isn’t also reusing tired bikini armour and seductive sorceress tropes. Because when you do that, that is the only thing that stands out. So it’s not just a failure in the way it can alienate roughly half the population of the planet, but an artistic one as well.
I hope you take these thoughts into consideration. I know you did something similar with the boxart for the previous game and while I still had issues with that game's presentation of women your willingness to make changes was a big part of why I wanted to give you a chance with this one and backed the kickstarter for two. I am disappointed to see that you have not learned from past mistakes.
Thank you for your time, and I hope you receive this in the spirit in which it is intended.