Another one?
Goddamn away with your identity politics already.

Nobody listened to this nonsense in the first thread about this NON ISSUE and now you make another one attempting to appeal to larian that somehow people will be scared away from a game because GASP Nudity!

What is this the 90s?

This prudeness is ridiculous. You obviously have only contempt for Art and Beauty. Everything that does not bow to your arbitrary definitions of decency is verboten.

And lets be clear here. The "women" argument i dont buy for a minute.
Almost no women kickstarted the game and that was before any of this was shown. This is yet another non issue.
For all we know censorship doesnt make women buy games.

You know what games are popular? Games that dont care about this sort of "Issue".
What RPG did realy well the last year? oh right that was the Witcher 3, a game that was hounded by people like you for the exact same reasons.

Too sexy women, the protagonist is a man who is dressed decently and can have sex with gorgous sorcresses.

And you know what? Nobody cared. People LOVED that game and they LOVED its characters despite the women beeing dressed differently from the Protagonist.

And i can tell you plenty of women play the Witcher.

If thats not enaugh look at any MMO ever and look at what female players dress like in those.
Hint: Humans, not just women, want to look attractive. Thats why male players gravitate towards Conan the Barbarian style loincloth wearing Schwartzeneggers and women gravitate towards Femme Fatale types. And this is not a bad thing.
This is just normal. And its not like in Original sin you CANNOT be a plain looking person. You can be a Human whose armor is definitly not impractical and you can be a Dwarf where this is even less so the case.
Hell you can be a Lizard that doesnt even have breasts if thats your thing.
but you complain about an OPTION because it does not adher to your agenda.