Originally Posted by Ayvah
Originally Posted by Sordak
So what, sex in many ways is a conquest. Its seen as that by many people.

And those people are sexist.

not realy they arent.

Originally Posted by Ayvah
If you think that D:OS characters were attractive, then I don't even know where to start.

symmetrical angular faces and muscular physique are considered attractive by many people.
tastes are different and such.
Original Sin 2s faces in general tend to be more... universally unattractive, having wrinkles, irregularities and whatnot.
Not that such faces shouldnt exist, you can make interresting characters with that.

Just not... only such faces.

Which incidently is another one of my criticisms of bioware games: they make their characters ugly on purpose.

Originally Posted by Ayvah
They really understand the importance of good storytelling.

Hardcore porn understand the importance of storytelling. It understands that porn doesnt need any.