* Clicking the lever again to Withersmoore jar's room shakes the screen, while nothing actually happens.
* Using Richochet I suddenly get 2 silent monks joining the fight that were never my enemy.
* Ground Smash skillbook gives Battle Stomp (same skill)
* Critical on gear should say +2%, and hovering over critical it says Gear + 2 rahter than Gear + 2%
* The healing potion and resurection scroll in the dogpen doesn't stack with other similar items (considered stolen even if yellow and no stolen tag?)?
* Talking to a Emmie with a character with no Pet-Talent still provides actual dialogue
* All the books (bar 1) in the dogpen's prison are emptry.
* Sleeping in the bed of the Houndmaster's Room gives 1400XP for no reason? Misplaced exploration XP?
* Releasing Birdie it starts convo with the very nearest person, rather than with a Pet Person user if one's in the party.
* The line about your hand repeats after release, even if it makes no sense there never offering your hand like in the convo when she's caged. Should probably be replaced with a new relevant line.
* The hell. A check of 17+persuasion fails a roll against authority, but 11+persuasion succeeds against the same authority roll. How the hell does persuasion's mechanics work. Do they work?
* Way to skift XP. Succeeding a check; 1400XP... killing Birdie (cause failed roll); 0XP.
* The pain bench in the fort does damage. However the one Verdas was on does not?
* While the pain bench works, the pain seat has animation issues, causing the character to stand up each time they take damage
* I'm really not sure you should be able to trade with all the magisters who are going to kill you.
* Knockdown overrules crippled, but crippled does not remove knockdown? I'm not sure I understand the logic but forcing those in the knowing to use skills in the right order to apply both for no concernable reason.
* Seems it's not related to a character, max AP can happen to anyone, now have it on The Red Prince. Maybe related to First Aid, since self-cut elf did cast that upon my Prince, who had 0AP, and now starts his round with 6AP, while having spend all his AP last round.
* Apparently the Meat Golems have a 85% chance to disease. I thought that kind of RNG was gone (some like me hate it, others are very happy about it)
** Add 10% chance for bleeing/muted on the knifes dropped... yeah, 0% or 100% definitely doesn't need maintained anymore.
* Meat Golems use human soundset. Can't recall hearing it from actual humans though.
* It appears some parts in the dungeon are clones, since eating them gives the same "sensual dwarf" line for example.

* More log (totally incorrect and weird absorbed values);

* Barrel has interaction rather than loot, does nothing (there's actually a second one there doing the same):

* Lizards and chairs (not surprisingly really)

* I'm going to assume that's supposed to be on the table, not floating (torture room)

* Placeholder (probably know, mentioning it anyway):


* Typo; Is has:

* Apparently the Meat Golems (enraged) attack of opportunity means they get 4(!) attacks on the poor sod crosing them. I don't think AoO is supposed to work like that!
** Though running past another meat golem (this one was dead now) later on triggered no AoO's at all!

* Loremaster level too low? LIES!