Originally Posted by Ayvah
Originally Posted by Sordak
Originally Posted by Ayvah
Originally Posted by Sordak
So what, sex in many ways is a conquest. Its seen as that by many people.

And those people are sexist.
not realy they arent.

Let me be clear first of all. There is nothing wrong with depicting a sexist setting.

Schindler's List was set in Nazi Germany. That doesn't mean that the film is pro-Nazi. What matters is how that setting is presented and portrayed. If you're going to make a film (or game) about Nazis, then you have to be mindful that this is a real issue that has affected real people, and so you need to carefully consider how you can navigate that. (In the case of Witcher, it actually covered similar themes by presenting the oppression of non-humans and Mages.)

Americans understandably felt uncomfortable that Witcher 3 didn't represent American ethnic minorities, as they live in a culture where those minorities have gotten the short end of the stick. What those critics forgot is that the game was made by European Polish people (an oppressed European ethnic minority) about their own culture. Americans need to take responsibility for their own lack of diversity in media, and not push that responsibility onto a Polish studio expressing their own diversity.

Likewise, any artwork has to be mindful that sexism is a real (and global) issue, and an issue that the fantasy genre has historically handled poorly.

There's nothing wrong with having people in your setting that view sex as conquest. There's nothing wrong with having a race that views nudity as a fundamental part of their culture. But you need to be mindful of how it's presented in the context of the broader culture in which the game is presented.

As for the specific case of "sex as conquest". For a person to view sex as conquest, they have to view sex as something to be taken, and not as something to be shared. They have to view their sexual partner as an opponent to be defeated. This is fundamentally an unequal relationship.

This is not unique to men. There are women who treat sex as a conquest too, and those women are no better.

Or they can ignore this obvious SJW attack and just create the game they want and not worry about the safe space groups who like to label anything they do not like as sexist, racist, whateverist to try and bully those into their stupid identity politics.