In an area near the cursed burning pigs there is a ruin where you are ambushed by by these void... whatever bugs and when you kill them, more of them spawn.
First time I had to reload, because the area was so covered with cursed poison that I could not walk anymore.
Second try I started combat, moved my party away from there and killed them elswhere. When the new ones spawned, every party member fled from combat. Then I send my archer there. While sneaking she one hitted every one of them with the sniper skill without starting combat. I could continue it for all of them.
Is it intended that you do not start combat when you kill an enemy with one hit while there are other enemies of the same group nearby and you are out of sight of other enemies when you kill them?

- I did some more testing. "First Aid" skill does heal you when you do not suffer any status effect. If you suffer under any status effect the skill is supposed to remove (like poison), the skill does not have any effect. You are not healed, no stat buff and the status effect is not removed.

groovy Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist groovy

World leading expert of artificial stupidity.
Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already :hihi: