Strong, self-confident and mature women embrace their sexuality and don't repel it. The very same women can be naked, even in public, and don't feel bad about it, be ashamed about it, or feel objectified.

Sexuality is not bad. Being sexy is not bad. Don't be intimidated by displays of sexuality. That's actually something that makes the world a better, more enjoyable place.

And being naked and being sexy are not the same thing. Displays of naked people are not necessarily sexist, actually only in very rare instances with specific violent or abusive context they are. In most cases, it's just a display of human nakedness, nothing more. A display of nature.

Elves are creatures of nature. Why shouldn't they be naked or half naked? And if they want: Why shouldn't they be sexy?

Really, don't just see the bad in everything, the failure, the insult, the objection. Just enjoy entertainment for what it is, a means to make our lives a bit more fun and light, or let it just be and do something else with your life. But please, don't spoil the fun for everybody else just because you see wolves and ghosts everywhere and because you can't bear the sight of a halfly naked female (elven) being.

Btw I was naked in the sauna yesterday and nobody cared. Nobody called me sexist. People watched my body and I watched theirs and everything was fine, just like it should be. Life is often pretty simple as long as you don't make it complicated for yourself... wink

Last edited by LordCrash; 20/09/16 12:48 AM.