I only mentioned being an artist as it was relevant to the fact that I often draw and do 3D modelling, including animation, and as such have dealt with drawing and posing models in the past, and I'm giving my perspective. I do not use it as an 'I'm correct' button, regardless of what you imagine my intention is.

I would, however, be quite interested to hear what your friend's professional opinion is on this, since you consulted with them.

Here's another examination

[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]

Red is the assumption that the other cheek is visible without the arm in the way. I'd like to draw your attention to her belt. Highlighted in blue, it is clearly side-on to the camera. We can see the angle of it as it loops over the hip, but we cannot see any flat portion of it. Similarly, look at the texture detail on the butt of the pants themselves. Again, it follows the curvature of the rear, but then stops before it can flatten out. This is clearly a pose where the hips are align so as to be perpendicular to the camera. The arm is hiding nothing more than the upper part of the thigh. As you can see highlighted in red, if the other cheek were, somehow, managing to face the camera, you'd have bigger issues than an unrealistic body pose - the model itself would be presenting visible mesh deformation as it rotated in such a way as to screw up the skin weighting. Believe me - it's all well and good to say that a pose is unrealistic for a person, but 3D models aren't magic, skin weighting is a very precise deal and bending or moving bones too far can and will look horrible and readily noticeable.

Further, as you desires pictures, well, consider request granted. From the art blog of pirate-cashoo on tumblr, [whose blog the forums don't seem to want me to link] that reference in the above image is an actual woman doing the exact same pose, albeit viewed from a slightly different camera angle. There are further demonstrations within the original post that show a variety of similar, and even more dramatic angles, and how each is, while perhaps not practical, quite possible, such as:

[Linked Image]

apologies to pirate-cashoo for rehosting, but Larian forums appear to autofilter tumblr links as spam.

Last edited by thebonesinger; 20/09/16 03:37 AM.