Originally Posted by Ayvah
It would look goofy because you feel uncomfortable seeing a man in a sexy pose. Also, IcySteps tried to argue that "goofy" (in his words, "silly") was exactly the effect they were aiming for. I suggest you two work out what you want it to be.

I don't know what sort of sex-negativity you are projecting here. Sexy men are sexy, not uncomfortable. Same goes for women. A man in that Inquisitor pose however would not be very sexy at all (unless he somehow managed to pull it off).

You do know that there is a difference between femininity and masculinity, right? Or are you the sort of person that thinks it's a problem that there are difference between "men routines" and "women routines" in dance? Or for that matter that there are differences between men and women in posing art.

It should also be further noted that the pose in question is not about looking sexy but about style and elegance, though the end result is the same: the man would probably not be able to pull it off using that pose and he would look goofy as a result (I'm still convinced it could be done if a good artist really tried, but it also depends on the character-model/art-style and not just gender; you would need a man that could look elegant/stylish in a feminine pose without ending up looking like a goof)

Last edited by GepardenK; 20/09/16 10:02 AM.