These are mostly a copy+paste from another topic. Basically, they are very rough examples of stuff I would like to see to some extent that would allow us to further define our playstyle, mostly for flavor, but also with bonuses and possible downsides/sacrifices to make it more interesting.

Barbarian: Jewelry/belts/etc gain a massive percentage of increased physical/magical defense, and the player gains increased movement rate, and massive scaling melee attack damage/crit, but can no longer wear armor, use scrolls, ranged weapons, or magic.

Duelist: Can only equip a single one handed non-blunt weapon and no shield, but gain increased damage/crit, reduced ap cost for attack, and increased dodge/parry. Receive extra penalties from being flanked, but can also backstab without daggers.

Barefisted: Can no longer use any weapons or heavy armor, gain massive bonus to dodge/fist damage/crit that scales with level, warfare and dagger skills are modified somehow to be usable with fists

Spell focus: Magic damage is increased, costs less ap to use, and cooldown is quicker, but you cannot gain any physical/magical defenses outside temporary sources, like from fortify, and have a penalty to con and movement ap.

Healer: All hostile/damaging spells refresh slower and cost more ap, but all beneficial or neutral spells refresh faster.
