I don't like the idea of lowering memory cost based on the spells respective attribute. It basically removes the mechanic of memory and memory requirements late game which were used to balance certain spells. The balance would no longer be there when you have 3 or 4 points in all the schools you want, giving all spells a 1 memory cost. Or the other scenario would be you put 1 point in a school and now you have to spend 3 or 4 slots for a good spell? that would never be worth it. In which case the freedom of hybridization is removed.

I like the idea of changing it to 1:1 slots and upping memory cost on most spells better than the current system, but it is going to feel kind of chaotic when you have like 20 slots right? You cant even have that many on your bar can you? And popping the window up to manage that memory could become a little tedious. Also, if there actually are almost no 1 cost spells, then it would just be transferring the irregularity from the attribute assignment to the memory slot assignment which does nothing. There would still need to be 1 memory spells.

Also, Naqel, you are being toxic. When someone brings up a different opinion, it is not them attacking you as a person. You aren't the epitome of logic in this thread so it would be nice if you stopped acting like you were.

Originally Posted by Naqel

I will conceed that what you write makes some sense.

Dude, someone else making sense is not a concession. Why do you think you are better than everyone else?

Last edited by NinjaWithSpoons; 21/09/16 04:44 PM.