The ideas in this thread are pretty divisive but, the general consensus is that the new armor system is cool but needs tweaking.

I'll definitely get behind that. Playing the game with my partner, I loved how the armors worked and how it effected engagements. In D:OS I had a near textbook first few skills and charm was always one of them. Now our rogue needs to pick his sleep target or wait a turn for magic armor to be decreased. I only wish there was a way to avoid falling on ice since nails+boots doesn't seem to work anymore.

I would also like to jump on the please god no RNG in our armor/CC camp. RNG is in this game, it has a huge effect on how things turn out, it should NOT be your primary concern in strategic decisions and it definitely doesn't need to be added. Failing a 80% to succeed CC does not a better game make, simply a more random one. There is no randomness in the godfather's of strategy and tactics and they have stood the tests of time, so it is certainly not necessary to create a compelling game.

Going back to the original post, I do not think the ideal solution is a combination of the two skills. I do feel like the skills need to be more meaningful and have more punch. Why would I ever take a point or two in armor when I can take hydrosophist or witchcraft or just dual wielding? All the other options are not only BETTER, but also MORE FUN.

I think the suggested tweak of providing a flat increase of 25 per level and a % increase (the same 7% does not feel off base) At 4 points we have 100 flat increase and +28% total which will go a long way towards durability and CC resistance.

However, I feel that a more elegant solution involves REMOVING THE SKILLS entirely (and thereby removing the burden of balancing them) and adding in something more interesting than customization that adds only numbers (and not particularly interesting ones) to a character. We have that in our weapon skills already.
Maybe we can bring that 'shield' skill tree back, or move our mandatory tank investment points into a different tank focused ability tree.
Further evidence for this solution is found by the posters who have already said (I've had or found no reason to invest in these skills) and collected data from our play throughs which will show just how little these skills are used. If it's not being used, it's not needed.

Last edited by Surrealialis; 21/09/16 11:56 PM.