Originally Posted by Neonivek
Originally Posted by Vector
I really don't understand the save-scumming trend that companies are following these last few years there is no reasonable explanation for it. If someone wants to save scum, its their time and business, ppl who want to do it, will do it, and ppl who dont, wont... If you are against save-scumming, just don't do it, why are ppl concerned about others doing it? Its a game ffs... not any moral stance...

Simple: Never let a player ruin their own experience.

If it is better for a player to savescum there are a lot who will do it until the game becomes extremely dull.

And if that happens... it is the game developer's fault... Not the player's.

Which is the thing. If a player ruins their own fun in a videogame. It usually isn't their fault.

I'm sorry but that seems patently.......ridonkulous. Merlons hot pants, that like justifying invisible walls in flight simulators to keep people from crashing so they don't "ruin" their own experience cause they're too lazy to learn how to actually pilot a plane in a game they bought. Or not letting someone kill the good guys cause it ruins the game storyline or something else for them or what have you.

Freedom of choice should never be limited for the sake of such an argument is my stance